Chapter 4

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Jon's POV-
It was a black room. I saw a yellow upside down heart floating in the middle of the room. I saw Ashlie looking at some yellow tinted screens. "Atlie?" I asked. She turned around and smiled running up to me to hug me. "Jon! Where are we? And what's that?" she asked, pointing at the heart. "We are currently in your mind. Or at least I think we are..... And that heart, that's your soul. You have a Justice soul, hence why you are so good with a gun." I told her. She looked at me in awe. "How did you know about that?" she asked. I concentrated really hard, half of a green heart appeared in front of me. "This is my soul. It's a Kindness soul." I told her. "Why is there only half...?" she asked worried. "I..... I share it with someone..... I have half, they have the other half..." I told her, thinking of my mother. I stared into Ashlie's soul. Then, I saw something I didn't expect to see. It was my uncle Jay. I looked at Ashlie, she saw it too. "Who is that....? What are they doing in my soul?" she asked me. I walked up to her soul and started healing it, when it was fully healed Jay appeared floating and glowing a soft yellow. "Jon!" he yelled and came and hugged me.I started to cry as I hugged back. We broke the hug and I looked at Ashlie. "Atlie. This is my uncle Jay. He died a long time ago. You must have been the next host of his soul." I said. They shock hands. "Well you guys are healed now. I'll see you when you wake up Atlie!" I told them and then came out of her mind.

Ashlie's POV-
I looked at Jay. "If you want I can train you on how to properly use your power." he told me. "Power....?" I asked. "Yeah, since you share my soul with me then you must have power, I did." he told me. I looked at my hands. "Teach me! I would love to know your power!" I said excitedly. "Every night we'll train. But now is the time to wake up." he told me. I saw a flash of yellow light. Then I woke up.
I got up, I noticed I was in a room with mainly yellow decorations. I looked in the mirror that was hanging on the closet door. I looked the same, except I had a necklace with a gun charm. It was silver, it had a yellow gem on the handle, and it had a silver chain. I looked into the gem and saw Jay. "Tuck the necklace under your shirt. It would be best if they didn't know." he told me. I tucked the charm under my shirt and then started to explore the house I was in. I passed by a red room, a orange room, a purple room, a light blue room, a dark blue room, and two green rooms, one had green and blue, the other had green and purple. I continued walking and then I heard singing, and it wasn't just any singing, it was a siren.

Is A Monster Really A Monster...?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora