Chapter 17

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Tommy's POV-
I stared at the roof of my tent, thinking. Hey.... I ignore it. Hello? I push it out of my mind. OI! I KNOW YOU HEAR ME! What do you want? Remember earlier on, when you asked me if you were a bad guy for killing monsters. I told you it depends who you ask. So, what do you think? I sighed. I don't know. I have seen so many monsters that wanted me dead, to find some that are trustworthy, that will treat you like their equal. ....... I just don't know. Remember that one girl, who jumped in front of her werewolf friend? Yeah, what about her? Well, she's a monster too. The way that a monster is raised often effects how they treat others. most of the monsters that are in the forest grew up with the kings and queens, so they are more kind hearted. Do you understand? Yeah, I guess I do. But what do I do? You go and find the queen and/or prince. Find them and apologize. What if I can't find them? Then wait for my signal. Why are you even talking to me in the first place? Isn't that against the rules? You needed someone to talk to, so why not the disembodied voice, am I right? I laughed lightly before falling to sleep.

Uni's POV-
I was talking with Dani, Ashlie, Luna, and Nick when the woman from earlier woke up, she had seemed to arrive when I had asked Ashlie to show me to the kitchen. Nick quickly went over to her and guided her somewhere. "What did you do?" I asked him once he came back. "I brought her to the bathroom so she could take a hot shower, it's one of the best things to do after being in the rain for that long." he said, sitting down. After a few minuets she came back and she was wearing pajamas. She sat down with us and waited politely for a turn to speak. "Hi, I'm Jen." she said kindly. "I'm Uni, and this is Nick, Ashlie, Dani, and Luna." I said, doing the introductions. "So you're Luna and Dani! Bomby and Cloud have told me a lot about you!" she responded, smiling. "You're Bomby and Cloud's mom?" Dani said, excited. "It's nice to finally meet you." Luna said politely. "What happened, Luna?" Jen asked, gesturing to her stomach. "Oh, well, a monster hunter was about to hurt Dani, and I got between her and the knife." she said quietly. Jen gasped slightly. "What did they look like?" she asked wearily. "They wore a strange mask." was all Luna said before Jen was on her phone. "Pat, is the man with the strange mask still there?" she asked, trying to stay calm. ".......... Okay. See you soon." she said before hanging up. It was silent for a few minutes before Ashlie spoke. "It's about time that we head back to the camp site. I'll call Jon and tell him to meet us there." she said, getting up. We all gathered our things and said our goodbyes before leaving to the camp site.

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