Chapter 16

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?????'s POV-
I looked out of the dark blue prison to see a boy. "Heyyyy." I said, leaning against the wall. He turned to look at me. "Who are you? What is this place?" he asked. "Well this is my prison, and your soul." I said simply. He looked at me confused before a man appeared behind him. "Your majesty." I said with a smirk. "Well, if it isn't Kitty." he said warmly, I could tell he was smiling. "So, are you gonna help me out or......" I asked. "I will if he lets me." he said, gesturing to the boy. "Sorry, but no. Now let me out of this place!" he said, obviously upset. The prince sighed, looking at me with a sad expression. "Alright." he said, finally. there was a flash and the other man was gone. "I'm sorry, Kit." he said sadly. "It's okay, just give him a bit." I told him, with a sad smile. Then there was another flash, and I was alone again.

Tommy's POV-
I woke up and saw that I was in a bedroom. I felt partly empty for some strange reason. I walked downstairs to see Dawn, Cory, and Pat with a boy and him. "Where are we?" I asked, tired. "This is my home. And that is one of my sons." Pat responded, ruffling the boys hair. "Hi, I'm Bomby! What's your name?" he asked with a playful smile. "Well, I'm Tommy." I said before turning to the prince. "And what are you doing here?" I asked harshly. He was about to respond when another boy that had white cat ears and tail walked in with a woman that was wearing a dress and mask, she had blue scales and angel wings along with a halo. Of course I was on guard, they were both monsters. "Dad! Look what I did!" the boy yelled, running up to Pat and pointing out the window. Everyone looked and saw that the rain had completely disappeared. "I can't believe it! Good job, Cloud!" Pat said happily, hugging the boy. I was confused, why would his son be a monster? That's when it clicked, they lived in the forest in which only monsters were rumored to live. He was a monster. But why didn't he attack the others and I? "You're a monster, aren't you Pat?" Dawn asked, he beat me by one second. "So what if I am? You aren't gonna kill us, are you?" he asked, becoming worried. "Listen, we'd just like to know." Dawn said, keeping him calm. He sighed and then he all of a sudden had wolf ears and tale, along with Bomby. I gasped slightly. "I... I need to go..." I said quietly, leaving and going back to camp.

So, I decided to let you guys pick the ships in this story. If there is multiple involving the same person then I will let people vote to see who wins. And if you want to ship them with someone who is not in the book, you can still suggest it and I might add them in at some point. I hope you are enjoying my little monsters. TEC out!

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