"No," you answer. "I need a place to stay."

"What happened to PK?" Brendan questions.

"I'll tell you later. Can I stay here? Just until I figure some things out."

"Of course. You can stay for as long as you need to." He welcomes you in.

You pick up your duffel bag and walk into Brendan's house. He closes the door behind you. All of a sudden, you hear a scream from the living room. "COME ON! I JUST DIED! I COULD HAVE WON THAT ONE TOO!"

"Sorry, that's just Chucky," Brendan says, referring to his teammate and another one of your friends, Alex Galchenyuk. "We were playing Fortnite."

"I'm not surprised," you say, faking a smile. No matter how hard you try, you're hurt. Everything hurts.

"Gally, who was at the door?" Alex yells.

Brendan tells you where you can put your bag and then you walk off. "It's Y/N," he yells back.

After you get settled, you join the two boys in the living room. Right as you sit on the couch, Alex asks, "Y/N, what happened with you and PK?"

"We-we're not together anymore," you answer, choking back tears. "It might be temporary. But I don't know."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Brendan asks, concerned.

You let out a huge sigh. Then, you tell the two of them the situation. "Wait wait wait," Brendan cuts you off. "You mean to tell me that you broke up with him because other people are saying you should?"

You shake your head, defeated. "Y/N," Alex starts. "You can't just give in to what other people say. Those people saying mean things about you, they don't even know you. So why does what they say matter?"

"It doesn't," you answer. "That wasn't the reason I broke up with PK. I didn't feel like myself anymore, so I needed some time to find myself again."

"That's some BS, Y/N," Brendan scolds. You're taken aback by his comment. "I've known you longer than anyone on this team has. I was the one who set you up with PK because I knew you guys would be perfect for each other. And I gotta say, I'm a pretty damn good matchmaker.

"But that's not the point. The point is is that you and PK make each other so happy. PK loves you and I know you love him too. Like I said, I know you. You haven't lost yourself; you're just missing a part of yourself. PK is that missing puzzle piece."

"Pretty much, what he's trying to say is that you're making a mistake breaking up with PK. The two of you have to stay together," Alex chimes in.

By now, you were frustrated. You thought that if you told the two boys that they would be supportive and understanding of your decision. Tired of being criticized and lectured, you run off to the guest bedroom. You plop on the bed and soak a pillow with your tears.


"PK THIS IS THE LAST TIME I'M GOING TO TELL YOU! WAKE UP OUT THERE!" I hear my coach yell at me for the third time in twenty minutes.

I am extremely tired. I couldn't sleep at all; I had too much on my mind. I can't believe I just let Y/N walk out like that. I want to talk to her, but I don't know where she went. She's probably long gone by now.

"What's up with you?" Asks my teammate, Brendan Gallagher, as he skates next to me during a break.

"Nothing," I lie.

"Everything's good with you and your girl?" Alex Galchenyuk asks as he skates to my other side.

"She's, uh, she's not my girl anymore," I say, feeling tears well up in my eyes once again.

"Who said that?" Brendan asks.

"She did," I answer. I explain to them what happened. "I let her walk out of my life. I don't even know where she is right now."

"She's at my place right now," Brendan states. "I promise you, it's not like that. She came to my place yesterday, told me what happened and asked if she could stay with me because she doesn't have anywhere else to go. I'm gonna tell you what I told her. You can't let people who don't even know the two of you get in the way of your relationship."

"You guys need to get back together. We'll help you out but you need to do the talking to get her back," Alex says.

"All you gotta do is come over to my house after practice and I'll leave the two of you to talk," says Brendan.

And that's what happens. When I get to his house, I go into the living room to find Y/N sitting on the couch. She looks shocked to see me. "We need to talk," I tell her. "I understand you're upset with everything, but you can't just give up. You're stronger than that. I can't afford to lose you; you're my everything. I love you, Y/N. We don't have to make our relationship public anymore. Just please come home with me."

I watch as she sits and thinks for a few moments. Suddenly, she starts crying. Naturally, I wrap my arms around her. She soaks my shirt with her tears but that's okay. It feels good to be able to hold her in my arms.

All of a sudden, she starts chuckling. I don't get it. What's so funny? "PK, we don't have to make our relationship private. Alex and Brendan are right. Screw the haters. We can't let them get in the way of our relationship. I'm sorry for being so emotional. I love you, PK."

I give her a kiss on her head. "I love you too, Y/N."

Requested by JasmineSwayze1994 . I hope you like it!

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