Connor McDavid

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"Hey, do you wanna hang tonight?" Your best friend, Connor, asks over the phone.

"As much as I'd love to, I already have plans with my boyfriend," you answer.

You hear him sigh, "just this one time?"

"I'm sorry, Connor. How about tomorrow?" You suggest.

"No, I want to hang out with you today!" He raises his voice.

"Connor, why are you yelling at me?" You were shocked.

"I'm not. It's just that you're always doing stuff with your boyfriend; it's like you forgot about me."

"I didn't forget about you, I never will. You're my best friend," you assure.

"It doesn't feel like it anymore. I've been busy a lot lately with hockey, all the games and all the practices. Whenever I'm not busy, you seem not to be able to spend time with me."

"I'm sorry it seems that way, but-"

"I gotta go." With that he hangs up.

You felt like crying; you couldn't believe that Connor would yell at you like that. You were able to calm yourself before your boyfriend came to pick you up. Throughout your day with your boyfriend, all you thought about was Connor. Is he mad at me? Will he ever talk to me again? The thoughts were giving you a headache.

After awhile, you were starting to feel sick. So, you ask your boyfriend to take you home and he does. When you get to your house, you notice someone sitting on the steps of your front porch. As you get closer, you realize that the person is Connor. "Connor, what are you doing here?" You ask.

He stands up, "we need to talk."

"Okay," you say confused.

"I'm sorry for earlier today. I yelled at you, and I shouldn't have," he says.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for always blowing you off for my boyfriend and making it seem like I could care less about you. I care a lot about you and I never want to lose you as my best friend," you state, feeling your eyes well up with tears.

"Y/N, I have to tell you something. It may be the wrong time to say this, but I have to tell you."


"I like you, a lot; more than just a friend. I have for awhile now. I get jealous whenever you are out with your boyfriend because I feel like one day you're gonna forget about me and I'm just gonna lose you."

You were shocked; you didn't see this coming. "Connor, I've liked you for awhile now, too; even before I met my boyfriend. But, I can't just end my relationship to be with you. For now, we should stay friends, best friends. Maybe one day we'll try being together. Just, now is not a good time."

"I understand," Connor nods his head.

"So, are we still on for tomorrow?" You ask.

He looks up at you with a slight smile, "yes!"


Requested by MrsConnorMcDavid97

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