Chapter 5 ~ Runaway

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Cardi has a baby SHE'S PREGNANT.

What's the need for an adopted kid when you have your own. Basically sooner or later I'm going to be forgotten. As soon as the new baby comes .Tiana who? The forgotten kid. I'm not ungrateful it's just going to happen you would feel the same way if it was you.
You know just like the feeling of having a sibling, friend Arriana and her sister . When she was born she felt like she was getting unnoticed more and more until she gave up and stopped caring.

I go upstairs and start packing stuff into a suitcase. I'm really leaving for sure. No doubt at all. I'm not that rude to just leave. I'll write a letter , like in the movies.

Dear Cardi ,
Cardi if your reading this letter I have left , you caught me in the running and just reading this letter, or I'm reading this to myself and you never saw this. Anyways I'm not need anymore in this family . Ur having a new baby what's the need for me holding you down? Hope you and offset have an amazing family and bye.

Finally the note is done I hope Cardi understands. She might not and probably saying "Why the hell she left again?" I'm not dumb and gonna tell her where I'm going so she can look for me. So I'm off.

I trudge my suitcase down the stairs. I walk outside past the fountain and climbed the gate using a box. The barb wire hurt no lie.I also fell so I'm mad sore. I walk and walk and walk. I feel so exhausted. I can't do it anymore.

"You know what I can't take this crap ima sleep here." I say to myself. Like I'm done running I'm going to take my precious time because honestly I got nowhere to go, no other family , friends are somewhere, and no home.

I'm just going to sleep. I'm done.

"What the f-".......

To be continued.....

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