Chapter 4 ~ Decisions

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It was a do or die decision for me. That I couldn't make up my mind on. Everything went slow suddenly. Jace's groans got slower , that must of been some good kick because he is on the floor.

After awhile of thinking. I made my decision would you leave your best friend/sister behind? Well I don't know about other people ,but I won't. I run over to grab Rose and go. Di'Anna grabbed me "Your not going anywhere," She said while holding tightly on my wrist. I had to leave. They would take me if I didn't , how am I supposed to save Rose if I couldn't save myself. Even though it hurt me so much , I had to do it. "Rose I'll come back for you." I said quietly enough for her to hear it. She nodded with a tear rolling down her eye.

I ran from her grasp and out the door. I ran and ran , until everything started to hurt. I went to the park I used to go to when I was in the adoption center. So many memories there with me and Rose. I love her , in a sister way. She's family to me , and family is not only blood family is what you make it , and she's in it.

I went under the slide which is covered by another and tried to get comfortable. I still had my sweater on , so I was somewhat warm. I slowly drifted to sleep as I heard cars pass me.

The next morning I wake up I think it's around 8am. I start walking to find a Mc Donald's . I need some shelter and to clean up because I stink of sweat and must.

As I started to walk I started to think about Cardi. How worried she must be about me , and Angie if she finds me she will hug me then get mad at me .Classic Angie a mom figure. They have probably called the police by now I'm guessing. They never gave me a phone. So it's kind of their fault , but I ran away and was being dumb just because the paparazzi  said something that hurt me emotionally. I can't get over it though. Bringing up my past , a dark one at that. It just hurts me so much inside.

I finally found a Mc Donald's I walked inside and went straight to the bathroom to wash off. I really needed to pee. I used the bathroom and washed my hands because I'm not dirty like some people that don't wash their hands.

I get out of the bathroom and watch the TV inside of the Mc Donald's. Then a worker approached me. "Are you lost?" She asked. "Yea , pretty much," I respond. "Want me to help you find your mom?" She asked. "Sure that would be so helpful , but if you try anything I'm out." I say with a look. "What a feisty one like my daughter. Come out Kira." She gestured her over.

She came out from the workers lounge. "Hi Kira I'm Tiana." I say with a smile. "Hey I'm Kira I haven't seen you around." Kira says. "Let's get going to the police station before." The lady says while ushering me to her car.

I got in the car with Kira. Seems like she's in a rush to get me there. Maybe she's on break and doing a kind thing for me. Kira is nice, really nice. Since I didn't want too much of small talk I didn't talk at all. I just started to think and think.

We arrived at the Police station and I saw a woman in a black coat and this women all dressed up in a cheetah fur coat. Was it....?

To be continued....

Thank for the name suggestion MrsDolanGODDESS .Thanks for reading Adopted By Cardi

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