A finger was tracing my cheek.

To reveal the source, I let my eyelids flutter open, blinking once I was forced to become used to the bright lighting. A tired Harry was revealed, and he was watching my mouth yawn as it did. Right then, there was a slight curl to his lips.

I'd stayed the night, clearly, and Harry and I had snuggled or cuddled or whatever. Whatever it was, we had done that, the entire night.

"You make sounds in your sleep," was the first thing Harry whispered after I'd awakened, and after letting the words absorb I hoped he didn't mean moans, or something else utterly embarrassing.

"What sounds?"

"The most adorable ones," he hummed, and his thumb kept brushing over the same spot in my cheek that he'd always seem to touch. On top of that adorable gesture, his voice in the morning was somewhere around the top of the list of his most attractive traits. "You purr, and whimper, but like, really faintly," he added.

Since I hated talking about my noises, I put on my huskiest voice and returned the favour. "You sound really fucking sexy, like this."

Harry's face turned crimson. "You think?"

"Mm," I replied, hand stroking over his naked back.

"Are you horny again?" He arched a brow.

A smile occupied my face. "I'm always horny."

And Harry blinked a couple times. "Because of me? Or always, always?"

"You," I hummed, pressing our lips together. It was a short kiss, but Harry seemed to enjoy it, since he was smiling into it. "Because of you. Always."

It was the night before that I had truly discovered the outcome of kissing Harry's neck. Apparently, if I'd do it for what he considered too long, he would get proper hard. Which was nice, because I had the opportunity to take notes for future reference.

"What do you wanna do today?" Harry asked while twirling a finger in my fringe.

My arm tightened around him until he fell flat on my chest. Like that, I nestled my face into his neck.

"Cuddle you," I answered.

Harry chuckled against my collarbone. "We've cuddled for like eleven hours already."


"So, we should do something more alert," Harry suggested, and I groaned at that. "Lou," he cooed gloomily. "We can still kiss and stuff."

"... Not really."

Harry was quiet for a bit. "Fine, maybe not anywhere. But we can do all that once we come back. We don't have to be outside for too long." There was a pause, and once it seemed he had gotten an idea, his head perked up from my chest. "Hey! It's Sunday. Niall and Liam are free, so we could hang out!"

Hence his excitement, I wanted to appear cheerful, but I was still more keen on staying in bed.

So I pouted. "I want you alone."

He sighed while smiling. "You've had me alone since yesterday. And you'll have me alone in the evening."

"So in the evening, we'll kiss and cuddle?"

Harry bit his lip, still smiling. "Yes."

"Good." I pecked his lips. "Then I approve."


Louis suggested we'd go to the park, so we did.

It was nearly jam-packed once we arrived, but we still managed to find a non-bustling spot, some feet away from the very centre.

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