Chapter Twenty-One: The Grand Finale

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Sierra's P.O.V.

I put on Ashton's jean vest hoodie over my Beatle's tee. After shoving my feet in my white converse I was ready.

I walked off the tour bus seeing the other girls, the boys missing.

"Where are they?" I laughed plopping my feet onto the pavement.

"They said they had stuff to do for the show tonight." The girls shrugged.

"Oh, okay." I said dumbfounded.

I looked at Brittany who was chewing her bottom lip as we walked to the venue.

"You know something." I stopped in front of the big double doors.

"No." She scoffed.

"Brittany, tell me!" I egged her on.

"I can't." She whined.

"Britt, tell me!" I yelled.

"The stuff to do is a surprise for you, but I can't tell you anything else!" She yelled before pushing past me to the backstage entrance.

What surprise was for me? I was utterly confused, but taken from my thoughts.

"Sierra, let's go." Jenna squeaked holding the door open.

I quickly followed behind her as we made our way backstage.

"What the hell?" Ashlyn spoke up.

"They're already on stage?" Jenna mumbled.

"Why? What's going on?" I went to the side stage with the others so they were in my sight.

That's when I felt hands over my eyes.

"No, no, no, you need to wait in the dressing room." I heard a familiar voice.

"Liz?" I asked as I was pushed towards the room.

"Yes sweetie, but you need to stay in here." I was shoved into the room, the door closing behind me.

What the hell is going on? I deserved to know at least somewhat of what I was going to be put through tonight. I hated surprises, I thought Ash knew that?

I sat on the couch searching through Twitter for clues on what the hell was happening.

I found pictures, and they were great because it was like I was there watching them. I noticed Ashton was in the middle of the stage holding a very sparkly gold guitar.

He looked very nervous, but he hid it with a smile.

"Sierra, let's go." Liz grinned at the doorway.

I walked out of the room to the side of the stage hearing Ashton's voice booming through the arena.

"Can you guys give a warm welcome to my amazing girlfriend?" I felt Liz give me a small push to go ahead.

I walked on the stage. I covered my eyes from the blinding stage lights. The boys stood with the girls on the side, Ashton mid-stage.

"What's going on?" I laughed walking towards him.

"Okay, give me a second." He laughed putting the microphone on its stand running to the boys.

"Hi guys." I waved hearing the crowd roar.

"Do y'all know what's going on?" I squeaked.

They all shook their heads no, or spoke it out loud.

"Okay." I mumbled as Ashton walked back over.

"Alrighty." He laughed holding the familiar guitar.

"Ash, what's happening?" I laughed.

"Sierra Nicole Lee," he handed me the guitar, "I forgot to surprise you with this forever ago because of the tour, but there's more to it."

He handed me the guitar which was absolutely amazing.

"Thank you Ash, but what else?" I giggled.

"Okay, give me a second." He dug into his back pocket.

"These jeans are really skinny." He mumbled, but everyone laughed meaning they heard him.

"Ash." I giggled.

"No, I got it." He smiled.

I noticed him grab a tiny box. He prepped himself before getting down on one knee. If you thought the crowd screamed loud, you should've heard me on the inside.

"Oh my god." I mumbled.

"Sierra Nicole Lee," he smiled up to me which I couldn't help but return, "ever since we met I had fallen for you. Yes, I was awful at showing it, but in the end I finally got the balls to tell you how I felt. But, that was after we went through a shit load of problems."

I giggled at him as he grinned towards me.

"But, I love you. Yes, we are way too young for this, I understand that. I already asked uncle Chuck though, he said this was okay." He laughed.

"You asked uncle Chuck?" I giggled.

"Yes, I did it somehow. But, I really want to spend the rest of my life with you. After this tours over, I plan on you living with me again, and I want to settle down. Then whenever you feel ready we can plan this all up. But, until the day we finally decide to do this, I want everyone to know you're mine." He started getting nervous.

"But, I guess I'm just trying to say, will you marry me?" His smile took up the entire bottom half of his face.

"Ash," I started making his smile fade, "you didn't even have to ask."

With that I was swept off my feet as the crowd roared. I felt multiple bodies crowd around us helping me realize the guys and girls were group hugging us.

"Holy shit, I'm so happy you said yes!" He laughed.

After they uncrowded us, Ash put the ring on my finger. It wasn't too little, nor to big, which I liked.

"I love you." He said pressing our foreheads together.

The crowd was still screaming at us.

"I love you too Ashton." I giggled.

Finally our lips met, and the crowd went absolutely insane. That's when the extra work before the concert was realesed, and confetti fell from the ceiling with balloons.

"I know it's a bit cliché." He laughed.

"It's perfect." I smiled.

"You're perfect." He pecked my cheek pulling me into a hug.

"We're perfect, together." I mumbled into the crook of his neck.

I'll never forget the night that I fell in love with Ashton Fletcher Irwin, for the second time.



I have a huge surprise for you guys which I will release soon enough. Thank you for reading lovelies, ilysfm.❤️

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