Chapter Ten: The Bet

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{Shout out to @foodlife for voting, I'm happy you like the story.❤️}

Sierra's P.O.V.

I sat in the theater basement with Brittany, Jenna, and Ashlyn. The boys were going to play a new song for us, and I was pretty excited.

"So, you guys sent this song to Columbia Records?" Brittany asked.

"Yes babe." Calum said kissing her forehead.

It had been about two weeks since Ashton had asked me to be his girlfriend, and since then life's been treating all of us well. Calum and Luke had the guts to ask out Brittany and Jenna. Michael had a crush on Ashlyn, but he wasn't budging just yet.

"Excited?" Ash said pecking my lips, "More than anyone here." I said way more giddy then planned. He laughed heading towards his drum set.

"I can play the guitar," Jenna spoke up.

"You're joking?" I sat up facing her, "No, I can play." She smiled, Brittany gave me a look that I completely understood.

"Same with me, and Britt plays drums." I told her.

"I can play the bass guitar," Ashlyn said getting in the conversation.

"Okay, that's weird." Luke said walking by us.

"You guys can be a girl version of us." Calum spoke into the microphone.

"We could." I mumbled with a huge grin.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Luke asked. We all nodded in excitement, "Okay, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4!"

The song started with multiple hey's, and then Luke started them off:

"Simmer down, simmer down. They say we're too young now to amount to anything else. But, look around, we worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now. If you don't swim you will drown, but don't move honey."

By now I was out of my seat when they sang the chorus:

"She looks so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear, and I know now that I'm so down. Your lipstick stain is a work of art, I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart; and I know now that I'm so down. Hey hey!"

I was so proud of how far they've come, and I was jumping in pure excitement as Calum continued the song after more hey's were sung:

"Let's get out, let's get out cause this dead beat town's only here just to keep us down. While I was out I found myself alone just thinkin': 'If I showed up with a plane ticket, and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it would you wanna run away too?' Cause all I really want is you!

"She looks so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear, and I know now that I'm so down. I made a mixtape straight out of '94, I got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor; and I know now that I'm so down. Hey hey!

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

Now was Luke's solo:

"You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear, and I know now, that I'm so down.

"Your lipstick stain is a work of art, I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart, and I know now, that I'm so down. Hey!"

They ripped the last chords on the guitar, and sighed with relief.

"That was so amazing!" Brittany screamed running to Calum. Immediately their lips were together with no warning. Jenna walked up to Luke congratulating him for his amazing performance.

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