Chapter Two: Someone So Broken

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Sierra's P.O.V.

I was walking through the halls with Brittany as I made my way towards my last class with Mr. Batten. However, after the incident with Ashton yesterday, I was dreading having to enter the room and see him. It was almost embarrassing after feeling like I made an idiot of myself trying to be friends with him. But, I have to admit that some of my feelings derive from the small crush I've had for him since we met. Unfortunately, that's stayed buried since we have never truly had a conversation until yesterday.

"See you later," Brittany walked away as I entered the classroom. I looked down trying not to look at Ashton as I took my seat.

I was taking out my books when I saw Luke's face suddenly in front of mine asking, "Do you know where Ashton is?" My eyes grew wide as I turned my head to the back, seeing an empty seat between Michael and Luke. I had a small feeling of relief to my dignity, but I was still worried seeing the stress on Luke's face.

I shook my head no as Luke continued, "He usually texts us if he's not coming." He began running his fingers through his hair with frustration. "I'm sure he's fine," I mumbled to Luke as Batten walked in the class. He pressed his lips together nodding, he was clearly upset and that made me upset. So, I kissed him on the cheek, and whispered to him, "He's okay, I promise." He gave me a half smile before making his way to his seat.

"Alright class, let's get started."


After class I was basically jogging to my car, I didn't even stop to see Brittany. I was so focused on how upset all the boys were that they couldn't contact Ashton and I wanted to try to do something to help. I couldn't imagine if Brittany disappeared for a period of time, so I could only imagine how they felt. In fact, even though we weren't necessarily friends, I still had a sense of loss at his absence.

I finally made it to my car and quickly entered the driver side.

Let's be honest, I had no idea where I was going to look for him, but I knew I was going to try. I couldn't just sit around if the boys thought something was wrong. I attempted to crank my car, only to hear a dreadful sputter come from my engine. So, I tried again and again, until I realized it probably wasn't going to happen. "Please, do not tell me this is happening," I almost screamed in frustration.

I hit my head off the steering wheel which probably wasn't the smartest because it ended up hurting later on, but it did help me get an idea. I grabbed my phone fumbling with the keypad as I typed my uncle's number in.

"Hello?" I heard his voice on the other end, "My car won't crank and I need a ride home."

I heard him chuckle on the other end, "I was on my way home, but I'll come get you."

I sighed, "Thank you so much uncle Jake." After that we said our goodbyes, and I waited in my car while other students drove off around me. It's fine, it's almost as if I wasn't in the middle of an emergency.

I saw my uncle's car pull up, it was a gorgeous Mustang I'll have to admit it was pretty awesome being picked up in it freshman year. He was a police officer, alongside my dad, and this car is what he used on patrol as he was usually undercover. As I got out the car, my phone went off and I was thankful to see it was a text from Luke: "He texted us, he's ok." I smiled seeing the care they had for one another.

"You coming?" My uncle had the window rolled down, yelling out to me. I nodded going to the passenger side, and quickly getting in.

I greeted him after I settled, buckling my seatbelt. "I'll call someone to tow your car to the house," he smiled towards me. I told him thank you probably a million times as I scanned through the radio stations.

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