Chapter Three: Silent Halls

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Sierra's P.O.V.

I walked through the abnormally silent halls; people stared as I walked through the crowd. I saw Luke with Calum at the end of the hall, and quickly shuffled my feet towards them.

The bell rang making everyone scatter.

"What the hell was that all about?" I questioned.

Luke chewed at his lip ring; Calum looking like a nervous wreck. "Anyone going to answer my question?" I made a dramatic head bob causing Michael, who walked up a few seconds earlier, to tell me the truth. "What happened to Ash is all over the news, and he's pretty upset about it." I watched Mike look towards the ground, "Okay, where is he, let me talk to him."

They all looked up, "Sierra, Ashton isn't like that, when he's upset he's mad at everyone." Luke spoke up finally. I furrowed my eyebrows,

"Then why was everyone starring at me?"

That's when Calum decided to jump in. "They all know you were there with your uncle." The late bell rang cutting us off, "We'll talk at lunch I guess."

I walked away towards my first block class. When I finally got there I just walked in, Mrs. Fry not one to care about tardy's, and stopped in the middle of the class because once again I was the center of attention.

"Can I help your eyes cause they've been starring an awful lot?" I spoke up loudly in front of everyone, their eyes retorted back to their papers, leaving me alone to think about this entire situation.


I walked to fourth block, I never saw any of the guys at lunch, and I know they did that on purpose; which pissed me off even more. I was gonna have their asses when I got to class.

I walked in being the first one there, which wasn't normal, but I wanted to watch each one pass me.

People began flooding in, I watched the boys squeeze through the door, talking. I eyed them down, and before I knew it each one noticed I was in my seat.

That's when I noticed Ashton, head down, not talking to any of them; but he was still walking with them.

Luke was the first to pass me, and when he tried to swipe his hand over mine, I ripped my hand away. I looked down until Ashton's hand dragged across my desk, I looked up as he was obviously doing it on purpose. I saw his awfully swollen, purple eye. He covered his head wound with a black bandanna. He just looked at me, no emotion, I returned his gesture with a frown; looking back down towards my paper.

I wanted to just grab his hand, and rip him away from the dreadful school. I just wanted to talk to him; make sure he was okay.

As class started I was completely tuned out. I began thinking about when Luke moved next door to me in the 7th grade. I met him, and the boys at a birthday party; even then Ashton didn't talk to me. I remember going over Luke's and talking to him about the boys, his childish aussie accent replied with: "Our parents are all good friends, and they all decided they wanted to come to the states. Especially here in California for our 'music career'." He was so adorable back then, we were such kids.

I remembered when Ashton's mother died as well, we were Freshman, and he didn't come to school for a week. I recalled uncle Chuck saying something about his father being torn up since his wife's death. Maybe that's when the alcohol, and abuse started?

The bell rang to leave, and I realized I had dazed off the entire class. I quickly shoved my books in my bag, throwing it over my shoulder.

I waited for the boys to pass, especially Ashton. I caught up with him in the crowded hall by his locker.

"A-Ashton?" I stuttered as he disturbed his combination lock.

"What could you possibly want now?" He said sternly, still focusing on the lock.

"I w-wanted to check up on you." I mumbled in a small voice.

He angrily ripped off his lock, "Well, I don't need you to!" He slammed his locker open, throwing the lock to the ground.

I took two steps back, "I don't need your pathetic sympathy Sierra!"

I watched a vein pop out of his neck as he screamed, two more steps.

"I've been okay without you for this long, I don't need you up my ass all the time now!"

Okay, that deserves three steps.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" The screams echoed, everyone stared, and my feet stepped back two m-, shit I hit a wall.

Ashton was millimeters away from me as I pushed closer to the wall; shielding my face from his screams, "Stay away from me." He spoke sternly walking away.

I watched him lock-up his locker, and leave through the front doors. I stood there waiting for the halls to empty. As soon as I was alone, I slid down the wall tears streaming down my cheeks.

I've never felt so worthless in my life. I wanted my mom, I wanted her to be there for me and tell me everything was going to be okay.

I needed her right now.

I sat there for at least an hour, crying. Finally, I was done, dehydrated.

I stood up pulling my phone from my bag, I had 13 texts from Luke, along with 21 missed calls. I turned off my phone not looking at any of the texts.

I wasn't sad, I was angry. I was extremely pissed off! I helped him get away from that retched place, and he spat in my face. I was there for him when no one else was!

I stomped out to the school parking lot to my car. I threw my stuff in the trunk, slamming it shut. I was pissed, fuming with anger. I got behind the wheel quickly cranking up the V-6, and skidding off.

I was going to confront his smartass, and I knew exactly where to find him.

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