Chapter Eighteen: Placement

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Ashton's P.O.V. (2 Months In)

"C'mon mates!" I yelled hopping on one foot to put a shoe on the other.

"Shit, Ash where's my phone!" I heard Sierra yelling.

"I've got it!" Luke yelled popping through the door of the bus.

"Why do you have it?" She questioned running out of the lounge with Jenna and Brittany.

"It was on the counter." He stated handing it to her.

"You now have two million selfies on it!" Calum laughed sticking his head through the door.

She rolled her eyes laughing as we got off the bus. I pecked her cheek after our feet hit the asphalt.

"Let's get this over with." She sighed.

It was our first interview that involved the girls. Only because the place insisted we brought them along.

"You'll do great." I whispered against her ear.

It'd been two months into the tour, and the girls seemed to be doing well. They got annoyed at points yes, especially one time they were mobbed with rude comments leaving a restaurant. But, they always pull through.


"So, girls, how's the tour life been?" The interviewer questioned.

"Crazy." Brittany said.

"Absolute madness, yet fun." Jenna giggled.

"What's the most crazy thing to happen so far?" She asked.

"We got ransacked at the local mall in New York, so we had to like run from all these fans." Luke laughed.

"Well, we have a few fans in the audience who have some questions for you all. Is that okay?" She smiled.

We all smiled back, nodding our heads.

"Hi, my questions for Ashton." A very young blonde stood up from her chair.

"Shoot." I smiled.

"How long exactly have Sierra and you been together?" She questioned.

Of course, they're all going to be relationship questions.

"Almost 6 months." I answered.

"Mines for Jenna!" A girl yelled.

Jenna's head popped up looking nervous for her question.

"How tall are you?" She smiled, her braces shining from the light.

"Oh, I'm- I just, I think I'm like 5'3?" She stuttered just loud enough, Luke comforting the nervous girl.

"Is it true you girls are a band?" Someone shot up.

The girls all nodded, or replied with a yes.

"Ashton?" A girl stood up.

"Yes?" I asked.

"How did you meet Sierra?" She asked.

"School." Sierra cut in knowing I'd most likely stumble.

"Sierra, what was it like when you met each others parents?" A girl asked.

Sierra's face contorted with pain.

"I think that we should ask about something other then our relationships." Calum cut in.

"Honestly." Brittany scoffed.

"Why won't you answer us?" Another girl stood on her chair.

Sierra looked up, a nervous wreck she was.

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