Chapter One: Reticent

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{Reticent - means inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself.}

Sierra's P.O.V.

I sat in my last class, Civics, as I waited for the bell to ring. I played with my gum wrapping it around my finger and returning it to my mouth. It was a bad habit I needed to break, but I did it subconsciously for the most part. I watched as Mr. Batten switched slides for us to write notes.

I will never be able to explain to you why I am popular. I am not the typical popular girl you're probably picturing in your head. My style is grunge and my lifestyle isn't that of most popular kids here, which is accompanied by parties every weekend. However, lots of people say it's my personality that brought me up the food chain. I guess I'm just funny and nice enough that everyone wanted to get to know me more.

"Hey! Do you want to go to the office boys," Batten yelled at the four familiar faces towards the back.

I watched as Luke whispered something to Calum making him laugh. Michael just watched them as they probably got themselves written up. Ultimately, my thoughts were confirmed when Batten yelled at them to come to his desk. I watched the boys walk past me, Luke swiping his hand over mine.

Luke and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember, and he did it just to mess with Tyler who sat next to me. He had the biggest crush on me, and Luke loved screwing with him. It's been a very continuous thing for all of high school.

Here in this school when I say I'm popular, I mean I get along with everyone. From the misfits in the back of the class, to the preps who have people bowing at their feet. I don't judge anyone, and I normally mind my own fucking business. I turned around as the two went to get their bags. When Calum's body moved from my vision I was making perfect eye contact with Ashton.

He was the only person I've ever wanted to really get to know, but didn't have the balls to. I've never really talked to him, even though he's in a band with my best friend, we've never exactly spoken a word to one another. He avoids me and I avoid him. It's just always been that way. As I looked at him, I noticed the cut on his lip, it was purple and swollen.

"Sierra," I turned around to be face-to-face with Batten, "pay attention to the board." I slowly nodded biting my bottom lip, which I do pretty often, and nodded.

As soon as he went to highlight what we need to copy the bell rang, and everyone's books were slammed shut. I quickly shuffled towards the exit and shoved my way through with the rest of the class. I began walking through the crowded halls when I felt someone grab my backpack. I looked to see my best friend, Brittany's, face.

She was just like me, we dressed the same, acted the same, I swear we were twins separated at birth. However, our looks have to be the only disproving factor of that theory. I had long blonde hair, whereas Brittany's was brown. I was also a little taller than her, but she made up for it with sharp facial features that could be on the cover of a magazine one day.

I heard a group of laughter begun from behind me, so I pushed through the crowd to see Ashton picking up his books from the floor. I saw his backpack had ripped through the bottom. So, I took the second to grow some balls by interacting with him some and kneel down to help him, everyone stopped laughing when they realized I didn't think it was funny. Probably all realized we're too old to act like complete bags of dicks at something so normal as dropping books.

The hallway cleared quickly as classes were over and people preferred going home than watching people pick up school supplies. Brittany told me she had to go, and I waved her off trying to pile up Ashton's materials. I crawled grabbing random papers that flew everywhere. We put everything in one pile, but by the time he stood up to carry it all, he couldn't carry the disorganized stack. "Here," I grabbed some books from his hands, "let me take some of these off your hands,".

"How do you get home," I asked as I followed him out the door, he never answered, but I realized we were walking to the student parking lot. "Oh, okay," I mumbled as we walked to his car shrugging it off. It was a red Dodge Durango, a little dirty, but other then that it was nice.

He opened the passenger door, he set down his pile and grabbed my pile from my hands making some papers fly away. "Shit," we both dropped to the ground going after papers. As I reached for the last one, before I knew it Ashton's hand was over mine. A cliche movie scene moment, but felt right in a way? He quickly removed it, I removed mine just as fast letting the paper blow away.

"Oi, I think I needed that!" He speaks for the first time I've heard in awhile and begins running after the paper. I giggled watching the dorky australian go after the deeply needed notes. Finally, he dove towards it and caught the paper. He gave himself a small winning gesture before walking towards me. I was laughing uncontrollably now because how could you not?

"Think it's funny, don't you?" Ashton smirked, so I nodded my head still laughing, and he laughed some with me.

I was sitting on the ground unable to get up from my churning stomach. "Do you need help?" He laughed at me as I began to snort with each intake of breath. Super attractive feature, I know, but I couldn't help it. I nodded, so he grabbed my hand pulling me up quickly. It was a little more quick than expected causing me to stumble into his chest. He caught me snaking his arms around my waist, "Woah there mate." He put me back on my feet helping me balance.

After I calmed down and he closed the passenger door I realized something, "This is the first time you've really talked to me since we met." He pressed his lips together looking towards the ground nodding, he began heading around the front of his truck, "Ashton?" I followed closely behind him. He opened the driver side door sitting in the seat. I stopped him from slamming it shut.

"What is your problem, why can't we talk?" My voice cracked from frustration, "I want to try and have some kind of friendship with you after all this time."

I felt a lump form in my throat after I heard him say: "Why can't you just deal with one person not wanting to be your friend?"

I bit my bottom lip backing up from the door, he slammed it shut and revved off. Tears began falling down my cheeks as I walked to my car, why did he have such a big problem with me?

Updated AN: Hello strangers! Life has changed a ton for me and I've been super bored lately. Decided to distract myself and make some edits to my most popular "book" ever. I'm taking all of your comments to heart in this editing process as well. I never intended for Sierra to sound "bratty", but I did write this when I was a kid. So, the goal is to fix that and build it to be more like my original intentions. I want Sierra to be a lost soul who has a connection with a Ashton almost subconsciously, so she's desperate to find the connection. I apologize for my horrible interpretation of that.

As I edit, I plan on only editing things I believe could truly be better, but not change the entire story. So, please enjoy the new and improved "book".

AN: Hey guys, okay so I know some of these things are awkward. But, no not all of the boys are in the same grade! Sierra, Ashton, Michael, and Calum are seniors. Whereas, Luke is a little ahead being a junior in a senior class. But, that's the only class Sierra has with all four of them.

Brittany is also a senior, but more girls are coming into the story with Sierra, (also for the boys if you get where I'm going). The boys are all Australian, but they live in sunny California for parental and musical reasons.

But, I hope you guys are excited because I know I am. Thanks for reading!❤️

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