Blue's plan?

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After spending some time with Blue and his lover Fell, Ink found out that Blue was secretly planning something but he couldn't seem to know what he was planning. Error in the other hand was busy talking with Blue who was giggling and chatting back.

When Ink watches this he felt jealous like HE was the one who's supposed to be in Blue's place, not Blue. Now everyone have something they hate and something they love although this was different.

"Erry, I'll be back okay!? I'm going to make tacos!!!" Blue chirped as he left Error alone to cook some tacos.

Ink walked over to the kitchen where he watched Blue hum while grabbing the ingredients for the tacos! Magnificent tacos!


"BD, why were you texting Palette?" Goth asked as Blank Death smile innocently.

"Wha? I never texted him! I was watching Markiplier and Jacksepticeye the whole time!" Blank Death chirped as he looks to a side, "and maybe I did texted Palette..."

Goth sigh as he sat down on the couch, "You're not in trouble whatsoever. Although I'm going to consider my words before I give you my phone."

"Okay.." Blank Death let out a sigh, "are we going to visit your boyfriend though!?"

"Ay! Goth got a lover now?" Raven spoke from afar as he looks up from his phone.

"N-no!!! I'm not in a relationship!"

"But you send hearts to Palette!"

"BLANK DEATH THAT WAS YOU!!" Goth started to blush in embarrassment.

Raven just blinked as he went back on his phone. "Gothy! It was on YOUR phone so technically speaking YOU were the one who sent those hearts!!"


Ink pushed Blue against the wall, "What are you planning on doing?!"

Blue smiled as he looks to a side, "Oh something Ink...Just Something."

To be continued.

You Colored My Heart (Ink x Error) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें