Blank Death's Dream {2}

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Wattpad account

Blue's - CuteBerryBlue030

Fell's - EdgyMcEdge69

Error's - 3Rr0R-¡$-H3R3

Fresh's - §FreshyMc_90's§

Sci's - †NerdyScienceDude†

Swap Pap/Stretch's - ‡MrLazyCarrot‡21‡

Dream's - ★Positivity_Dude♥

Nightmare's - ♠YourWorstNightmare♠66♠

Ink's - ♠Inky_Squid♠

Reaper N Geno's - ♣After_Death♣030♥

Reaper's - ♪StarBucks_After♪30♥

Geno's - ♦Reaper_DeathAfter♦0♥

Cross's - •X-Cross&Chara-X•

Palette's - RollerbladeKiddoCheerleader

Goth's - 🔱NerdyGothKid🔱

Enjoy the story

Last chapter; I felt watched but all around me is black. Black goop? Mr. Nightmare? No he would've been visible to see right? He's not goopy...

Where am I?

--------Blank's POV------

Looking around it was just black like the soul of hate, corruption, heck it looks like a block of nothingness a black canvas.

I could admit I was afraid, this is just a dream? Right?

Narrator/No one Pov.

Goth had recently placed Blank Death on his bed, in his room he also placed a blanket over him. Nothing seem wrong so he left the room and went to his own bedroom where he flops on his bed, pulled his phone out and started watching YouTube videos.


Ink smiled as he boop Error. "Seriously?"

"Yep!! Ruru, you know I love to boop you!"

"I know Kiki, I know."

Ink gaze went to Fresh whom smiled at them. Though behind Fresh's smile was an anger of jealousy boiling up inside him. He will win Ink's heart, just then he had the brightest idea he could make.

"Yo! Let's visit Palette!!! I thinks he's at Dream's place!" Fresh suggested the false positivity lurking his voice.

"Sure, I'll actually meet this kid."

"Oh uhm, so sudden? What about another day, isn't he injured? He might get hurt more if he uh...don't get enough rest!"

"Ink...what are you hiding?"

"U-uhm nothing!!!"

"You sure?"

Ink looks down as he sighs, "....Fine we could go."

"Ink is there something that makes you don't wanna go there?"

"....I haven't seen Palette. I only saw him when he was born... that's it."


Blank Death POV.

"S-stay back!!" I yelled as I obtain the knife which glitched out as I ran and hit the mysterious figure. It vanish. How?

I held the knife close as I look around only to see a color that stood out, white. I walked towards it, but before reaching the same figure I saw appeared. It was all black except their face that was white. it...Gaster? Brother mention Gaster and said that mommy disliked him.

But how is he in my dreams?


Palette sigh as he sat up, his mind slowly drifting off, he missed his lonely life but he missed his parents. Maybe meeting Dream his actual mother was a right decision.

"Palette, what do you need?" Dream spoke as he saw his son at the door way. Palette gaze went to Dreams as he yawns.

"I want a hug."

Dream smile as he got to Palette and pulled him into a hug, "it's that all? Or do you want me to stay by you forever?"

"....I want stay."

"Alright, but first I'll tell my brother to make himself food. Since he tend to be really lazy when I'm around."


--------Blank's POV-------

I was running for my life a soon dodged an attack. How can this be happening!? I don't deserve this. I need to keep going. I'm determined to find my way out of this nightmare.

I saw the white I'm so close, I just need to dodge his attack, and I'm there. I continue running until I felt a huge pain in my chest, I looked down and saw myself bleeding.

Wait when did skele- why am I asking questions in this time when I'm legitimately dying!?!?

I felt the weapon used pull out as j fell forwards, but got on my feet and ran to the white.

But I was attacked again and again and again.

All the way until I was on the floor, unable to get up. Blood oozing out, I reached out trying to reach for the white.

B u t f a i l e d

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