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Fresh Pov.

I couldn't let them be friends or more I couldn't. Ink and that monster needs to be fighting or it will ruin the whole multiverse! My thought rang as I watch those two. They soon left to their own place they call home. I teleported to where Ink was.

"Sup Inky!" I greeted to him, and actually surprised him. He snap his gaze to me. "A-AH! O-oh it's just you, Fresh. "  He seems to relax once he notice it was I the radical dude.  " What brings you here, Fresh?" He ask me. I shrug, " Dunno my brosepth. Maybe to chill with my radical inky friend!" He nods at that. "Alright, want anything to drink? Or eat?" 

I nod a no, "Nah man. I'm not hungry nor thristy." I said. Ink nods "Alright whatever you say, but if you need anything tell me alright!" I watch as he grab a sketch book and started sketching on it.

"Hey, Ink how's Error? Did he told you why he harms the Aus?" I ask, he hums signing me that he's thinking. "Why do you want to know anyways, Fresh?" He ask me, his pupils looking at me. God damn it.

"No reason at all. I'm just curious if he had told you or not. " That made him a bit supspisous. "Do YOU know why he done all this destruction!?" He question me. I nod a no, "I don't my rad friend. If I did I would've told ya wouldn't I?" He was silent for a bit. "True...but than again your known as a parasite who doesn't feel any emotions. So I can't really tell if you are faking it. Y'know" ah crap man I can't let him know I'm trying to keep him away from that monster.

"Heh heh, I am indeed a parasite but I am a unusual one. I can feel some emotions but only when it's necessary. I'm mostly emotionless but I'm still capable to feel. " Ink hums as he sketch into that book.

He sure does love Art. How could an artist like him be friend with a glitch? I mean it's like asking how an artist is friends with a parasite like me.

Error Pov.

"Th@t idi0t." I growled softly. I was watching Ink but it turns out my annoying dear brother,Fresh is there. Yes, yes I'm Fresh's Brother​ but hey Geno is also my brother. Yea sure I don't get along with Geno but he is a close version of a 'friend' while Fresh is an idiotic trashbag.

Sure I may like to actually be around Ink more, but I have a feeling that Fresh might know what's up. Maybe even know what will happen. I think he's trying to prevent Ink and I

To become friends or even more..

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