The Dream

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“I love you Dahvie.” I heard Jayy whisper as he laid his head next to mine on the pillow. I smiled and whispered “I love you too Jayy.” I felt his muscles tense in shock as I cuddled deeper into him. He chuckled lightly and closed his eyes. I quickly followed suit.


I was running. I couldn’t breathe, my legs ached but I just knew that I couldn’t stop. Someone was right on my heels, chasing me at impossible speed. They should be getting tired by now. I kept running as the darkness of night continued to surround me. Rocks on the ground were slicing at my shins and briers occasionally placed slits of stinging pain on my face and neck. But I ignored it, I had to keep running. I stole a glance behind me and saw… nothing. There was nothing but the moon shining. I sighed in relief and stopped running. I turned around to look in front of myself just to see a face that I did not recognize. He was wearing a long cloak like jacket with chains around his midsection. His face was very pale and his eyes, they were indescribable. His eyes were the color of fire and they seemed to flicker with every movement. He had hair that was just the length of my own only it was a bright white color. “Dahvie,” he whispered in an almost musical voice “why did you run?” I had caught my breathe and I whispered “you were chasing me.” he chuckled lightly. “Yes, but only because you ran. Come I need to show you something.” I shook my head and whispered “why should I trust you?” the man sighed sadly. “Come along son.” I stayed put “no, and don’t call me son.” the guy quickly grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me behind him. “Why shouldn’t I call my own flesh and blood my son?” I cringed “what the hell are you talking about?” I stuttered out questioningly. He chuckled and pulled me into a large cave like structure. “No need for obscenities Dahvie. I am your true father; we have much to talk about. I must warn you.” he didn’t finish his sentence. I tilted my head to the side as he pulled me forward “Jayy is no good for you, stay away from him. Our two kinds should not mingle at all. It’s bad enough that you have been friends with him for all of these years. You mustn’t feel anything more for him.” I felt my eyes turn into slits. “What do you mean our two kinds?” he sighed and pat my head “you’ll understand soon, trust me on that.” I groaned and whispered “I know that this is just a dream. Any minute I’ll wake up next to Jayy.” the white haired man nodded “yes you are correct, but please listen to me Dahvie, you must be careful.”

I rolled my eyes just as my dream misted away and I was once again in Jayy’s arms. He was still fast asleep. What the fuck kind of dream was that? I asked myself. I sighed quietly and looked out the window, only to be met with an absolutely terrifying sight. The guy from my dream was standing right outside my window. A worried look on his face. I tried to stifle my scream but Jayy still heard me. His eyes opened to his normal chocolate brown eyes, but they quickly turned red. Panicking I whispered “so-sorry, I h-ad a nightm-mare.” he sighed and kissed my forehead “it’s okay Dahvie I’m not mad.” I trembled and my tears landed onto his neck. “Then why are your eyes red?” Jayy rubbed my back in calming circles as he whispered “I wasn’t mad at you, I was mad at whatever had made you scream. I cant control what color my eyes turn with my emotions. I’m sorry that they scared you.” I nodded and my breathing became even. Jayy continued to rub my back as he whispered “did you dream about the white haired man?” I nodded sadly, feeling almost ashamed. “Did he tell you his name this time?” Jayy asked almost urgently. Confused I shook my head. Jayy sighed sounding a bit sad. “I suppose that’s a good thing.” I nuzzled into his neck “why’s that Jayy?” I asked him. He just sighed and whispered “don’t worry about it honey, just go back to sleep.” I nodded and kissed his neck, too tired to do much else. “I love you Jayy.” I managed to whisper. He kissed the top of my head and whispered “I love you too Dahvie, don’t let those dreams get to you. You’re completely safe. Nothing and nobody will ever touch you, not as long as I’m here.” I smiled and nodded one more time before falling back into a dreamless sleep.

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