Kill Me I Don't Care

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~The Next Night~ DAHVIE'S POV

Jayy has been acting so weird all freaking day. He would watch me like a hawk and when he wasn’t watching me he’d float into La La Land. As he watched me lay on the couch I finally had enough, I had to know what was bothering him. “Jayy.” I whispered “why have you been acting weird all day?” he sighed and shook his head. “Trust me Dahvie, you’ll find out soon.” I stood and walked over to him, “what do you mean?” I asked confused. Just then there was a knock on the door. Jayy walked away from me and whispered “this is what I mean.” he opened the door and there stood that white haired man from my dream, along with a kid that looked to be about eighteen, but also looked very much like me. “What’s going on?” I asked loudly. The white haired man laughed and whispered “come along Dahvie, you have much to learn.” I heard someone sniffle and turned to see Jayy with tears in his eyes. I ran over to Jayy and wrapped my arms around him. “What’s wrong Jayy?” I whispered into his chest. He quickly wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me closer to himself. “Because this will be the last time I’ll ever see you.” he whispered. The white haired man laughed again and said “no Jayy you may see him again, but he just might attack you. He is going to be one of our best fighters.” I looked up and saw that Jayy’s eyes had turned to a purple color. “Jayy, what is he talking about?” he sighed and whispered “Dahvie, you’re a werewolf. You have to leave. You’ll be fine.” I felt my eyes begin to water. “I don’t wanna go.” I whimpered.

The men standing behind me both said “you don’t have anymore of a choice than Jayy does on being a vampire.” I looked up at Jayy. “So I have to go?” he whimpered and nodded, holding me tighter. I sighed and more tears came into my eyes. “Dahvie?” Jayy whispered. I pulled my head away from his chest and looked up. He pulled me up slightly and slowly placed his warm lips over my own. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. I heard the men by the door gag, but that didn’t bother me. I was kissing my best friend in the world. The only guy that I’ve ever liked in this way. Reluctantly Jayy pulled away and placed his forehead atop of mine. “I will always love you Dahvie, please don’t ever forget that.” I smiled and whispered “I love you too, more than anything.” Jayy smiled until the men at the door quite literally lifted me from the floor and into the air. “I’ll miss you Dahvie!” Jayy yelled with tears in his eyes. “I’ll miss you too Jayy!” I yelled back as I was carried out the door.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FOUR YEARS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

“Okay Dahvie are you ready?” I smiled grimly and nodded. I was about to attack my first league of vampires, with my entire pack watching. Including my mate Hazel. “okay.” my father said “the one we are after is the head elder, but you can also get the second in command. This vampire will be next to the head elder; he is tall and has midnight black hair.” I nodded. I could probably easily catch the second in command, but I was going to go after the main prize. Suddenly there was a small sound of movement, and about twenty vampires walked into the clearing. I smiled but the rest of my pack began whispering “where’s Christopher? “Where’s Jeremy?” I turned and told them all to shut up, in which they quickly complied. The vampires in the clearing were chatting away, completely oblivious to our soon to be attack. “Dumb asses.” I thought to myself. I watched as the talking, yelling and joking vampires suddenly fell silent, and two other vamps walked into the clearing. The first one was easily recognizable as Christopher. He had white hair, the same color as my father’s and a dark red cloak. The second one on the other hand I didn’t recognize. I have been watching this group of vampires for almost a year now, and yet I hadn’t seen this one vampire. He had some awesome hair, and was wearing black skinnies with rips and tears all over them. He was also shirtless, showing off all of his tattoos, but one stood out to me. I had the same tattoo, in the exact same place on my wrist.A heart with the letters “BOTDF” inside it. But I shrugged it off; I must focus on the attack, my duties.

. I watched my father from the corner of my eyes, waiting for the signal. “Jeremy” the head vamp said “can you run this meeting tonight?” the tall vampire with the midnight black hair nodded and the head vamp left. “Dammit!” I said out loud to my pack. They all just shrugged and father said “get the second in command!” I nodded and began to wait for the signal. Just as the second in command walked closer into my view, father snarled and I charged. I was pretty close to the vampire when one of his comrades yelled “Jayy! Look out!” he quickly turned towards me as I pinned him to the cold earth beneath my paws. I looked down at his face. He wasn’t angry, scared, or even shocked. The look on his face could only be described as careless. I growled and bit into his forearm, causing him to groan out in pain. “Jayy!” someone yelled. “What the hell is wrong with you, you could easily take him!” the vampire beneath me whimpered as I closed my teeth around his neck, moving slowly torturing the little bloodsucker. “I can’t.” Jeremy gasped out. “It’s Dahvie, I can’t hurt him.” my grip around his neck loosened. How did he know who I was? “Jayy!” someone yelled exasperatedly “this isn’t the same Dahvie that you fell in love with, he has been changed. I bet he doesn’t even remember you.” I pulled back and looked into Jayy’s eyes. “I don’t care if he’s changed.” Jayy said “I’m not going to hurt him; I still love him whether he loves me, hates me, or even kills me.” I flinched. “Go ahead Dahvie.” Jayy whispered at a volume that only I could hear “kill me, I don’t have anything to live for anyways, I’ve already lost you so I’ve lost everything, but I do still love you.” he had tears in his eyes.

Why did that break my heart? I’m not supposed to feel sorry for these dumb asses, so why him? I slowly and cautiously got off of him and he sat up. I stood just in front of him and closed my eyes. In the silence I called for my wolf spirit to leave and allowed my normal self to return. I opened my eyes and once again I was on two legs. “No!” my father yelled “Dahvie, you should never show yourself to a vampire. You’re just asking to be killed.” I turned and looked at my pack, waving them away with my hand. They all listened, except for Hazel. “Go Hazel.” I said out loud. She sighed and slowly backed away, never taking her eyes off of me. I looked at the vampire now standing in front of me. “How do you know who I am?” I asked glaring at him. He smiled sadly and whispered “Dahv, we used to be best friends.” I gave him a look that could kill. “I don’t associate with your kind.” he snickered and walked closer to me, and kissed my forehead. “Follow me.” he whispered. I don’t know why I followed him, but I did. Maybe I was just curious. I knew that my pack wouldn’t be happy, but I really didn’t care. I had to see what this guy wanted, and I had to know now.

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