A life unseen

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I have never in my freaking life been so confused! I just killed my first vampire which isn’t really a big deal, it would’ve happened eventually but I did it because he hurt Jayy. Daniel didn’t even threaten me, but he did try to hurt Jayy. Why did I get so defensive? You might think that it’s just a common reflex but it’s not for werewolves. As wolves we will only and I mean only fight for those in which we love, but I barely even know Jayy so how could I love him? I can’t! Not only do I not know him well but he is a freaking vampire! God, I feel like I’m going crazy. Maybe I just reacted in that way because I know that he would do the same for me… Yeah that has to be it. But still one question remains, why didn’t he become repulsed when I fed him my blood? Werewolves naturally have blood that should make vampires gag and run away, but he seemed to enjoy it. And as much as I’m ashamed to admit it I enjoyed it too. But why? I sighed and stirred loosely in Jayy’s arms, causing him to pull me closer to him as I nuzzled into his neck. Wait! Why did I just do that? I sighed in a disgruntled way causing Jayy’s eyes to pop open.

“Are you okay?” he asked urgently. I nodded slowly and whispered “yeah, I just had a nightmare.” I heard Jayy snicker and looked up to see him smirking. What a jerk!

Dahvs I know that you didn’t have a nightmare.” I glared lightly and whispered “how do you know?” he chuckled and rested his chin on the top of my head. “I am a manipulator, I can see people’s dreams, you weren’t even asleep.” I groaned and rolled my eyes.

“So seriously Dahvie, what’s wrong?” I looked at his face only to see a caring gleam in his eyes. I felt like I was going to cry, nobody has ever looked at me in such a caring way before.

“You’ll get mad.” I whispered, a few tears escaping and hitting his shirt. He gently stroked my hair and whispered “no I won’t, just tell me.” I shockingly moved closer to Jayy and nuzzled my face into his neck.

“I’m confused. I’m not supposed to care about any other male that isn’t from my pack, and I care about you a lot. I should hate you and distrust you, but I feel like you’re my best friend and I trust you more that anyone. It’s not supposed to be like this!” I cringed even closer into his neck expecting him to yell at me or even hit me, but he didn’t.

Jayy sighed and rubbed my back as I finally let my pent up tears flow silently from my eyes. “Wow.” I whispered, still sniffling “you must have a lot of patience, I would have blown my top by now.”

To my surprise he chuckled lightly and placed his fingers underneath my chin, pulling my head up so that he could look into my eyes. He had a sweet little smile on his plush little lips. “Well Dahvie, it’s like you always used to say, love is patient love is kind. You taught me about that a long time ago when I was young and now it’s my time to re-teach it to you.”

I felt my eyes widen, I would never say anything like that! I was taught that love is nonexistent outside of a pack, that it consists of men overpowering women that the females have no say. And most of all love was to be between one girl and one boy nothing else. I sighed and looked into his now pink colored eyes; I knew that for most vampires that meant they were either tired or they loved the person that they were looking at, he must be tired.

"Did I really say all that?" i whispered in a raspy voice.

He nodded and gently pushed me away from him so that he was able to reach over and grab the remote to his stereo off of his bedside table “you and I even wrote this song together.” he pressed play and my voice came out of the speakers.

(Every man, woman and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunities, equal dignity.

Without discrimination, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual preference or social status.

When you were born, you were born with the same human rights as everyone else.

You have the right to live; you were born free and equal to have freedom and choice of your religion and the freedom of expression.

All men and women are created equal…)

I gasped and whimpered, causing Jayy to turn the music off. “What’s wrong Dahvie?” he whispered, once again pulling me over so that my head was resting against his strong chest.

“I don’t get it. The way I was taught about love is that men are stronger than women, and only men can love women and women love men. But in that song I was saying that everyone is equal! That’s not true, is it?” I asked confused out of my mind.

He sighed. “They really did brainwash you good Dahvie, why don’t you go to sleep hun? I know that you haven’t slept soundly in quite awhile.”

I nodded and lay my head back down onto his chest. “G’night Dahvie, sleep well.” I heard Jayy whisper. I smiled and whispered “g’night.” I quickly fell into a deep sleep.


I was standing inside and ice-cream shop waiting for my frozen treat while looking out the window. A blonde haired guy who I easily recognized as Garrett Ecstasy; a well known prisoner of us werewolves, was standing outside seeming to be waiting for someone. I watched as Jayy walked over to him and they began to speak, but for some reason my keen hearing was not working. After I got my ice-cream I walked out and said “hey Garrett who’s your friend?” Garrett went on to tell me Jayy’s name and he and I began talking.

Garrett had to leave to go somewhere, leaving me with Jayy. I asked Jayy to take me to the park in which he easily agreed to. Once there we lay onto the grass and watched the clouds.

“You’re really cool Jayy.” I whispered smiling with my eyes closed. He chuckled and whispered “you too Dahvie.” I smiled again and said “we will be friends forevermore wont we?” but there was no answer.

I opened my closed eyes and looked beside me nobody was there. “Jayy!” I yelled. All was silent “is anybody there?” still no answer. Suddenly my younger brother walked from behind some bushes “who’s Jayy?” he asked. I sighed and tears ran down my cheeks “nobody.” I stated coldly.

He laughed and said “isn’t that the truth, c’mon Dahvie lets go train.” without a second thought I stood and followed him into the training arena, no thoughts running through my mind that didn’t involve hurting those different from me.


My eyes popped open and I realized that I was still in Jayy’s arms. I sighed quietly and moved one of my fingers to my eye, only to find that I was crying. I remember that day when Aaron came from behind the bush. Before he had woken me on that day I had been dreaming about the day I first met Jayy. They brainwashed me while I was asleep! That day was the first day that I felt hate in my heart, the first day that I ever wanted to hurt anyone and the first day that I had that nagging feeling that something, or someone was missing from my life. But now I remember that one day where I forgot everything. I wonder if I can remember anything else.

I closed my eyes tightly and saw Jayy and I as if I were a different person watching. In front of us stood my father and brother, they seemed impatient. I looked different, though in the image I was crying I still looked somehow happier.

“Dahvie.” Jayy whispered “you’re a werewolf. You have to leave. You’ll be fine.” I watched myself burst out in tears and throw myself into his arms.

. “Dahvie.” Jayy whispered while pulling me up slightly so that my lips could meet his. I watched as I stood on the very tips of my toes to deepen the kiss. My still conscious mind brought a smile onto my face until the image in my mind of my father and brother picked me up and carried me out of the door, but not until Jayy whispered desperately “I will always love you Dahvie, please don’t ever forget that.”

I felt my conscious eyes pop open as I whispered to myself “I did forget, but I will never ever forget again.” I glanced up at Jayy and saw a big smile on his cheeks. He had been watching the entire thing.

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