I Need Your Love

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I frowned as I climbed silently back through my bedroom window. I was so fucking tired that could barely stand. I walked slowly over to my mirror. I took in my exhausted face. This kind of life isn’t very easy. I’m expected to go to these retarded meetings every night which is fine I guess, it allows me to feed easily. But I know for a fact that I don’t get as much sleep as I should. I sneak out every night from my window and get home at about 6am. But I have to take a shower before I go to sleep so that Dahvie or Sally don’t ask me why I’m so dirty. But I guess I brought this on myself. Why didn’t I just listen to Christopher, the head elder, and not get mixed in with these humans? No I don’t regret it, I have many fans, good friends and of course my best friend but it is so hard! If I hadn’t lingered with these mortals I would never be in the situation that I’m in! I groaned slightly as I stepped into my shower. There are some days, days much like this one, where I consider just running away. Away from this torture, sometimes I want to so badly that I imagine that I have run away. But the sad thing is that I just can’t make myself do it! I can’t do that to my fans, to Sally or my other friends, and definitely not Dahvie.

He may be nothing but an annoying ass mortal but he is just about the only thing that makes me stay. He cares so much about me; if someone gives me a creepy look because they know what I am, he will pull me close thinking that he is protecting me. Funny thing is that when he pulls me close, he is in more danger than I ever will be. The blood that flows through his veins nags me whenever I am anywhere near him. The others of my kind think that I’m insane because I don’t just kill him on the spot. Well they may be right, but I don’t care. I would hate for him to die. Some of my kind wonder why I don’t change him I want to answer them, but I don’t even know. This shit is too confusing. I sighed stepping out of the shower and into the cool air. I took in a deep breathe and looked into my mirror once again. I watched as my crimson red eyes turned into my normal chocolate brown. I sighed and smiled feeling my muscles relax, at least now if Dahvie, sally or Andrew saw me they wouldn’t see anything strange. I pulled on a pair of boxers and slowly climbed into my soft bed. I reached down underneath my mattress and smiled grabbing my little notebook. I smiled wider while reading the little note that my mom had written for me long ago.

My dearest Jeremy.

I know that this is what you feel that you must do however you must promise to me, to our kind, to yourself, to never forget who you really are. It has been brought to our attention that as time will progress you have decided to go by jayy Monroe, we just wish for you to remember to be careful and always know that you shall always be in our minds and ‘hearts’ be careful our son. We are sure to someday meet again but until then, we love you.

Love mother and father

Jeremy Brian Griffis 1729-unknown.

I giggled almost silently and opened the small notebook. It was the only thing that I had kept throughout all of my life. I grabbed a pencil and added a tally mark. I have been doing this everyday for all of my life. 103,295 days I’ve been here on this planet. I sighed dreamily and pulled the notebook to my chest. “Jayy” I heard Dahvie whisper. I quickly tucked my notebook away and pretended to be asleep. “Jayy?” Dahvie whispered again, stepping into my room. He sighed and walked over to my bed. He shook my shoulder and tried to wake me up. I opened my eyes and faked a yawn. He frowned at me guiltily and asked “can I sleep in with you? I couldn’t sleep last night so I came to your room but you weren’t here” I scooted over and allowed him to lie down next to me, I’m not sure why but I would do absolutely anything for him. “Thanks Jayy” he said climbing in next to me. “But where were you last night?” I pulled his chin up so that he was facing me. I hated doing this because I knew that it would make him sick, but I also knew that I had no other choice. I had his eyes aligned directly with mine as I whispered “I was here you just missed me, nod if you understand” he nodded unthinkingly. I frowned and let his now out cold head slip from my hand. I pulled his unconscious body close to my own and whispered “I’m sorry, I really am but I had no choice” I turned my head to my pillow and slowly fell into an uneasy slumber.

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