A Realization

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At first I thought that Jayy was afraid of blood, but then he wrapped a band aid around my bleeding finger, so that’s definitely not it. Maybe he was just shocked that I had fallen so abruptly, I wasn’t even sure how I fell. After I had swept up the remains of the plate, I noticed that Jayy still appeared to be frozen in place. I walked slowly over to him and snapped my fingers in front of his face; he quickly reacted by jumping and backing up towards the door. “Um Dahvie I’ll be back in about ten minutes.” he mumbled still seeming to be in a daze. “Where are you going?” I asked gently. He chewed on his lip and I knew that he was going to lie. “Just to visit a friend.” he whispered and ran out of the door before I could question him any further. I sighed walking to the window and watching Jayy run through the forest, I didn’t know that he had a friend whose house was through the woods, but okay. I watched until he had completely disappeared.

I turned around slowly only to be met with a hand on my neck and another over my mouth. I trembled and tried to scream despite the restraining hand over my mouth. The hand quickly tightened its grip around my throat, making it hard to breathe. I glanced at my attacker and was met with Daniel’s cold eyes. They were crimson red which was strange, I never knew Daniel to wear contacts. He chuckled as he ran his fingertips lightly over my throat. He bent down and whispered into my ear “I knew that little trick would get Jayy out of here long enough to claim you as my own.” I looked at him in confusion and fear. He smirked at my disorientated expression and whispered into my ear, his breathe tickling the shell “I planned everything out just in time to make you fall, all it takes is a fishing line and some quick thinking.” my eyes went wide as he chuckled and started pulling me towards the door.

Suddenly just before he opened the door, Jayy opened it and walked in with a deadly look in his eyes. “Let him go Daniel. Or you’ll be sorry.” Daniel laughed maniacally and said, again tightening his grip around me “and what are YOU going to do Jeremy, bite me and expose the secret?” Jayy smirked and his eyes turned red “yes that’s exactly what I’m going to do!” suddenly Jayy lunged towards Daniel, but stopped as Daniel placed me directly in front of himself. “If you want me” Daniel whispered snickering “you’re going to have to hurt this thing in the process!” thing? What the hell is wrong with Daniel? Besides the fact that he is trying to kill me, why the hell did he call me a thing? Jayy growled and whispered in a voice that I have never heard him use before. “Daniel let him go, or face the fucking consciences!” Daniel chuckled and began kissing and licking up my neck, causing me to shiver. My mind was clouded. It was like I was on a drug. Daniel pulled away from my neck and yelled to Jayy “Jeremy, this is what humans are for, it’s not my fault that you’ve grown attached to this one, but if I didn’t get him someone else would have. Just think of it as me putting him out of his misery, besides you’re putting him in more danger than I ever will.”

I looked at Jayy’s face; he had streams of tears running down his beautifully perfect face. Jayy nodded and whispered “fine but if you need to kill somebody, kill me, not Dahvie .” Daniel smirked and released me walking over to Jayy, whispering “with pleasure” I felt tears glaze over my eyes as Daniel stalked towards Jayy. Jayy didn’t even cringe as Daniel placed his mouth over Jayy’s throat. After a few minutes Jayy’s eyes slipped close and he fell into a heap onto the floor. The tears overflowed from my eyes as I watched blood flow from Jayy’s neck. Daniel walked back over to me chuckling with Jayy’s blood dripping from his mouth. What the hell? As he came closer I stared at Jayy. I couldn’t lose him! I don’t care that he apparently wasn’t human, I needed him! My quiet tears quickly turned into uncontrollable sobs. Daniel came over to me and wrapped his cold, uncaring arms around my waist. It’s bad enough that he was a guy coming onto me, knowing that I’m straight but he had just killed my best friend. His ex fiancée! I continued to watch Jayy, even as Daniel kissed my cheek, that still couldn’t bring my eyes away from Jayy’s body.

Daniel turned to look at the door and I suddenly saw Jayy twitch and his eye closest to me came opened and he winked, standing up silently. He ran over to Daniel, quickly prying him away from me. “What the hell!?” Daniel yelled “you should be dead!” Jayy chuckled as he wrapped his fingers tightly around Daniel’s neck and mumbled “I should be, but I’ll protect Dahvie with all that I have, even if it means that I lose my own life!” suddenly Daniel was thrown out of the window next to the door. The glass shattered and Daniel fell to the ground with a light thud. “You’ll be sorry Jayy!” Daniel yelled causing Jayy to chuckle emotionlessly and come over to me. After seeing what he had done, I couldn’t help but cringe away from him. He stopped in front of my trembling form and whispered “I can understand why you’re scared Dahv but please don’t let this change our friendship, if I could change myself I would.” I nodded still shivering as Jayy wrapped his pink leopard throw blanket around me. He sat far away from me, obviously worrying that I was afraid of him, but I wasn’t. I was scared for him. I sighed and crawled over to Jayy and laid down into his lap. He very weakly stroked my hair and hummed to me. I looked up at his pale face and whispered “you lost a lot of blood, maybe you should eat something.”

I now understood why I have never seen him eat ‘human’ food. He sighed almost regretfully and mumbled “I’m too tired to hunt, its times like this where I think that I should have a blood slave, that’s what Daniel wanted you for.” my eyes went wide and I whispered confidently “feed from me Jayy.” he opened his closed eyes, still bright red, and looked at me like I had offended him. “No Dahvie, I will not do that to my best friend!” I rolled my eyes and sighed standing up. His eyes followed me until I walked into the bathroom where he couldn’t see me. I grabbed a razor and walked back out to him. I once again got into his lap and lay down. He looked down at me and I whispered putting the hand with the razor to my throat “if you won’t drink willingly. I’ll make you.” he gasped as I put a scratch on my neck causing blood to flow out. He groaned and his eyes grew brighter, “I hate you right now.” he muttered before resting his lips over my wound and gently biting down. I let a moan slip out as a strange sensation ran up and down my body. It could only be described as pleasure. When Jayy was full, his mouth was pulled gently away and he pulled me closer to him. I smiled and cuddled deeper into his lap. I closed my eyes and began to drift off to sleep, but before I was completely asleep I felt Jayy intertwine his fingers in my own. “You’re the best Dahvie” he whispered “but I wish I could love you like I want to.” I frowned at that, not because he wants to love me, but because he said that he can’t. But I guess I’m going to have to live with the fact, my best friend is a vampire.

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