It Can't Be!

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I smiled as I lay quietly in Jayy’s arms. I know that I should probably be afraid but I’m not. I trust Jayy more than anyone, I trust him even more than I trust myself. I sighed contentedly as I felt his gaze. I looked up to meet his normal chocolate brown eyes. I smiled and whispered “you know buddy, you have so explaining to do.” he sighed and nodded. I sat up and moved beside him. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I whispered. He sighed again and took sudden interest in my eyes, causing me to blush. “It’s against the rules to have a human know that my kind exist, unless they are a blood whore.” I looked up at him confused “what’s a blood whore?” I whispered. He chewed on his bottom lip and mumbled “they are humans that we kidnap and use to fill our needs both for food and for sex.” I felt my cheeks heat up. “Oh, why don’t you have one?” He lay slowly down onto his back and I lay down beside him. He took in a deep breathe and whispered “I wanted to protect you.” I nonchalantly cuddled into his side and he took in a quick breathe which I ignored.  

“what do you mean protect me?” I asked gently into his chest. He stroked my hair slowly and murmured “When I have a blood whore my killing instinct takes over completely, so if I ran into you I would lose It.” he stroked my cheek causing a shudder to run all throughout my body. He felt me shudder and whispered out a sorry, sliding away from me. I quickly pulled him back over to me and cuddled into his chest. He giggled slightly and whispered “you’re not afraid of me?” I shook my head and whispered out questioningly “so you’ve always been like this, from day one?” I just had to know. He nodded and whispered “yeah, and so was Garrett, but I don’t know what the hell happened to him.” I honestly didn’t care so much about Garrett, he always creped me out and would never let me go to the park, it was fucking annoying considering I love to lie on the grass and watch the clouds. I sighed and closed my eyes. This is insane; I’m cuddling up to a vampire! But I’ve done it before I knew the truth, and that will never change. He is still the same old Jayy; he hasn’t changed so I won’t either. He kissed my cheek lightly and I blushed while giggling. Wait why did I blush? I rolled my eyes at myself and cuddled even closer into Jayy. I unthinkingly reached up and traced my neck where the cut from earlier should have been, but nothing was there.

I looked up at Jayy and asked “why isn’t there a mark?” he chewed on his lip but finally whispered “because my saliva healed it.” I nodded and reached my hand up to his face. His fangs were still showing and I gently traced them with my fingers. He closed his eyes tightly as a quiet moan escaped his lips. He turned bright red and looked down at me. I giggled and continued to stroke his fangs. I unsurely reached up with my other hand and rested it onto the side of his cheek. Without hesitation Jayy leaned his face gently into my hand. I smiled and kissed his cheek making him blush once again. “Why are you doing this Dahv?” he asked sounding dazed. I shrugged but realized that his eyes were closed “I don’t know.” I whispered smiling. I really didn’t know, something had just come over me. I just wanted to be close to Jayy, to be wrapped up in his arms and never have him let me go. What is wrong with me? Suddenly, as if reading my thoughts Jayy wrapped me up in his arms and pulled me even closer. I smiled and pulled my hand away from his cheek and grabbed his right hand in mine. What is happening to me? Sure I’ve always cuddled with Jayy but not like this, it’s never meant this much to me. I’m straight and that’s not going to change! I pulled my hand away from Jayy’s fangs and he opened his eyes, they had turned into a dark blue color. He smiled and kissed my forehead gently, being sure not to nip me with his fangs.

I tucked my head underneath his chin and whispered into his neck “why did your eyes turn blue?” he chuckled lightly and rubbed up and down my back. “They turn blue when I’m really happy.” I blushed and whispered “so on stage at concerts, you were happy?” he nodded and chuckled. “Why are you so happy right now?” he chuckled again and turned his head, so that his face was in my hair “because of you.” I shuddered at his words. “Why am I reacting like this!” I yelled at myself. I’m straight and I have a girlfriend! I was trying to move away from Jayy but instead I forced myself closer to him, what the hell?! “Jayy?” I whispered timidly looking up at him “are you controlling me?” he looked shocked. “no” he whispered sounding really confused “only the ’evil’ vampires can do that, believe or not I’m the good guy, that’s why I’m able to heal you when you’re hurt or sick, but I can brainwash you.” my eyes went wide, so that’s how he got rid of my headaches! But why was I suddenly acting like this? I would have asked him, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, so I just nodded and kissed his neck. Why did I do that? I think I’ve gone mad! Am I falling for him? I cant be!

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