How Does He Feel?

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I wish Dahvie hadn’t found out like this, but you can’t change the past, only look forward to the future. I smiled as he fell sound asleep in my lap. He is so adorable. The truth is, I’ve been madly in love with him ever since I first saw him. If you don’t believe in love at first sight, you don’t know vampires. As soon as we see a person, we immediately know whether we will hate them, be their best friend, or wish to be their lover. But the bad thing is that even if Dahvie loves me back, I can NEVER be with him. Its not because of a law or anything, it’s for his own safety. There are so many vampires against human and vampire relationships, it’s disgusting! I’ve seen them literally rip the human to shreds right in front of their lover. They say it’s to prove an ‘important point but I come from the rougher side of my world, and I know it’s just to torture the poor souls. I hate it, but honestly I never thought it to be possible to fall in love with a human, until I met Dahvie. I remember the day perfectly, then again when you find the one, you never forget anything that they do.


I sighed as I walked down the sidewalk when suddenly I saw Garrett Ecstasy, another vampire who chose to live amongst the humans, though he isn’t always the nicest guy to talk to. I smiled and walked over to him “Hey Garrett, what’s up?” he turned to look at me “oh hey man, I haven’t seen you in forever, I’m just waiting for my friend Dahvie, he went in to get ice-cream.” I chuckled and said “cool can I meet him, I need some new friends, my old ones turned out to be bitches.” Garrett laughed and nodded “just don’t let him scare you away.” I was about to question him when I heard the bells on the door to the ice-cream shop jingle. I turned and saw the most gorgeous man ever step out. I was about to turn back to Garrett but the guy said “hey Garrett, who’s your friend?” I blushed slightly and smiled over to the one who must be Dahvie. Garrett chuckled and said “Dahvie this is Jayy and Jayy you’re not that stupid so you know who he is.” I chuckled and Dahvie giggled, “Nice to meet you Dahvie.” I said staring into his eyes. He blushed and looked down. I couldn’t help but stare. He was beautiful, he was perfect, he was just everything and anything that I could ever ask for. Garrett leaned over and whispered loud enough for only someone with my keen hearing to understand “don’t even think about it Jayy, he is as straight as a rod.” I frowned and sighed dreamily. I don’t care that he’s straight, I’ll still love him and protect him with all I’m worth. Garrett sighed and said “hey Dahvie, I’m going to…go for awhile, do you mind hanging out with Jayy?” Dahvie blushed and licked his ice-cream, much like a little kid. “Nah he seems cool, see you later Garrett.” Garrett chuckled and winked at me, walking away. The sad thing is, ever since that day, I haven’t seen Garrett anywhere. I’m not even sure if he’s still alive. “Hey” Dahvie said “you wanna go to the park, Garrett will never go with me, I don’t know why though.” I chuckled. I knew why Garrett wouldn’t go to the park, that is the territory of the ’others’ meaning only the ‘bad boy vamps’ could go there. But I was dating Daniel at the time, so I was allowed to go, but I would have to be sure to protect Dahvie. “Sure!” I said smiling. I instinctively grabbed his hand into my own and walked him to the park, and that’s where the strongest friendship in the world started.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I smiled at the memory as Dahvie slightly moved in my arms. I giggled and sighed picking him up, I walked to his room and set him down in his bed, tucking him in. I was about to walk out but he opened his eyes and whispered in a frightened tone “Jayy don’t leave, can you please stay, I don’t wanna be alone.” I grinned and climbed into bed with him. He quickly wrapped himself into my arms. I smiled and kissed his forehead gently rubbing his back. I glanced at where I had sucked from his neck, there was nothing but a small scratch. He must be the one that I’m meant to ’own’ per say. He is the one whose blood will nourish my body with just one sip. It’s bad for me but good for him that I’ve discovered this. Now by force Daniel is not allowed to come near Dahvie, but being in love with Dahvie, it’ll kill me every single time I bite him. I sighed as he snuggled into my chest. I guess you can’t choose who you fall for, but there is one question remaining, does he feel the same?

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