Why Me?

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I chewed on my bottom lip as I quietly watched Dahvie sleep. I was arguing with myself. I needed to talk to Christopher, and it needed to be face to face. I’m worried about the dreams that Dahvie has been having, they sound so much like a legend I’ve heard. Though they aren’t really legends, they are the complete truth. I sighed and gently pushed Dahvie out of my arms. He groaned out in his sleep and reached out. I couldn’t help but smile at his almost childlike nature. I sighed quietly and climbed slowly out my window. “Christopher!” I said quietly, yet I knew that he would hear me. Carefully he sauntered out of the forest whispering “Jeremy, I must talk to you about the shape-shifters.” I nodded once lightly as he motioned me to follow him into the forest. He slowly walked me over to a big rock next to the small lake that, over the summer when we’re not on tour, Dahvie and I would go swimming in. I smiled and sat down on the rock, looking over at the water moving slowly with the wind currents. I turned as Christopher sat next to me and sighed. “Jeremy.” he whispered “I’ve done some research and I appears that a shape-shifter is after your friend Dahvie.” my chest clenched in fear. “But, why?” I whispered feeling scared for the first time in what felt like years. Christopher sighed again “maybe because you are the head, most skilled werewolf hunter we have. I assume that they were able to track your scent and it led them to you thus they found Dahvie.”

I groaned and angrily punched the tree next to me. It cracked audibly and fell to a slant. I looked into Christopher’s eyes. “But if that were the case, wouldn’t there be more than one?” He nodded and whispered “you should be getting back, I’ll walk with you.” I nodded and stood, walking in the direction of my house. But soon I caught a scent. One of forest breeze mixed with a strange scent of blood flowing through veins. A smell that I quickly recognized as a shape-shifter. I sped my pace up to a run and Christopher quickly followed. We stopped just in front of my and Dahvie’s house, seeing a pure white wolf sniffing the air. Christopher gasped in recognition “it’s the prince, it’s Aaron.” I smiled and shook my head. I hadn’t seen him since he was a young preteen. The wolf noticed us and turned so that we were face to face. The air around him began to shudder and wind whipped around him in a hurricane type fashion. Slowly he walked over to us, and I gasped. He looked so much like a younger version of Dahvie. “Well, hello Jayy.” he said politely. I snarled in his general direction and asked “why are you here?” he chuckled and came closer to me “Tell me something Jayy, is it so wrong for me to visit my older brother?” my eyes widened just as Christopher’s did. “What do you mean?” I asked, my voice cracking. It can’t be. “Dahvie Vanity is my brother, and I mean my blood brother. I’m shocked that you didn’t know before this.” I growled and pushed him back, causing him to fall on his ass.

“Don’t joke around like that, you’re just saying that because I hate all of you retarded werewolves!” he laughed again and asked while standing back up “can you not see the family resemblance? If father hadn’t put him up for adoption all of those years ago, he would know what he is. He would know that father will be passing the pack to Dahvie soon. He would know who his mate will be, I’m a bit excited to find out who she is myself. Though I think I already know who it is, Hazel will be very happy.” I snarled again and towered over him. “Leave! Now!” I yelled. He laughed and whispered “oh yes, I forgot that you’re a faggot, that’s so cute. You’ve fallen in love with a werewolf and the future alpha at that! This is going to get lots of laughs back at home. Well I best be going, I’ll be keeping an eye on Dahvie until next full moon. Then you will never see him again.” I glared and Christopher yelled “Dahvie cant be a shape-shifter, he doesn’t smell like one and we would be able to smell it on him.” Aaron began to walk away but he turned to glance back at me “he has never shifted before, once he does you’ll be able to smell it on him. He’ll leave you and take his rightful place with a wife and you’ll hate him like you do all the rest of us.” once again the air shifted and Aaron was on four legs again. “I’ll never hate Dahvie!” I yelled “I love him with all of my heart, even if he is a werewolf!”

Christopher looked at me shocked as I walked back over to my window. “You don’t mean that, do you Jeremy?” I sighed and nodded “I’m sorry, but I do.” shockingly Christopher smiled. “I’ll support you with your wishes Jayy, though if Dahvie is truly a shape-shifter, his hate for vampires will come with his first transformation. He will leave you, whether you like it or not.” I sighed and nodded “I know Christopher, I just hope that it’s all a lie, but I doubt it. It seems like whenever I find my true love something goes wrong.” Christopher sighed and whispered “I’m sorry Jeremy, I must go. See you again soon. The moon will be full tomorrow night.” I groaned and nodded, tears in my eyes. I quickly climbed back up through my window to find Dahvie still fast asleep, though he was shaking violently. I sniffled and closed the curtains so that the moonlight could no longer shine on him. As soon as I did, the terrible trembling ended. “Please no.” I whispered “Aaron cant be right.” but I knew the truth. I sighed and lay back into my bed pulling Dahvie back into my arms. I continued to cry silently as I held him close. Why does this always happen to me?

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