What The Hell?

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I sighed as I woke up wrapped tightly in Jayy’s arms. I smiled lightly up at him and twisted slightly, only to be brought on with a churning of my stomach. I clenched my teeth tightly and pushed Jayy’s arms away with all of my strength, but he wouldn’t budge. I shook him and his eyes popped open. He quickly realized that I was going to be sick and he released me. I leaped from his bed and ran into the bathroom leaning down in front of the toilet. I felt my hair being held back so it wouldn’t get into the mess. I knew it had to be Jayy but how the hell could he have gotten in here so fast? As I finished, the sickness in my stomach went away. I got up and went to the sink, quickly rinsing with mouthwash. But I soon realized that I had a killer headache. It was so bad that as soon as I left the bathroom, I literally collapsed onto Jayy’s bed. I curled up onto the blankets and began to sob. It hurt worse than anything i've ever felt before! Jayy quickly sat next to me and pulled me close to his chest. He bent down and blew into my ear. It sent an uncomfortable, freezing cold shiver up my spine. He does this every time that I get a headache and each time it immediately goes away. I’m not sure why or how that is possible, but I don’t care as long as the pain ends. But I also notice that each time he does it, he runs completely out of energy. It always made me feel like shit, but even if I told him not to do it, he wouldn’t listen. He never listens to anyone! 

I sighed contentedly as the pain completely subsided but Jayy quickly fell weak. I sighed in regret and whispered to him “how do you do that?” he sighed and whispered “you don’t need to know Dahv just leave it at that” I rolled my eyes but kissed his cheek. “Thank you, but why do it? I can tell it makes you weak” he smiled his eyes only halfway opened. “I would do anything for you Dahvie, you know that” I smiled and cuddled into him. I was still tired. I closed my eyes and thought about Jayy. How the hell did he get to the bathroom so fast? When I had run to the bathroom he had still been wrapped tightly in his blankets. There is no way that he could’ve moved that quickly. Honestly there are a lot of weird things about my best friend. I notice that whenever he first wakes up in the morning his hair is always wet, like he had taken a shower just before he went to sleep. I snuggled closer into his chest trying to hear his heartbeat, but I could never place it, no matter where I laid my head. Suddenly Jayy’s cell phone vibrated and I felt him pull it from beside him. “Hello Christopher” he answered, almost like a student would answer his wise professor. Jayy paused long enough for the other person to reply “yes sir” Jayy said “no it’s fine, yes he is asleep” there was another pause. “Do I have to leave right now? I think I should stay with Dahvie master” another pause “I don’t know, I don’t trust him being alone with Daniel and the others on the loose” he paused again “sir, its obvious that he would be an important target to them, they know how important he is to me."

I noticed that Jayy had tensed up, but he quickly relaxed as the person on the other line replied “thank you sir, but if I don’t go to the meeting how can I possibly feed?” what? Feed? What the hell was he talking about? Jayy sighed and whispered “I suppose you’re right, I will find a way to get away at night.” another pause “yes, goodbye” he hung up and sighed. What the hell? There were so many questions running through my mind at that moment. Why did he need to protect me from Daniel? I could easily kick that bitch’s ass. But more importantly, what did he mean by ’feed’? I sighed and glanced up at him. He had his eyes closed with a smile resting gingerly on his lips. I gently squirmed free of his grasp. I was about to walk out of his room when I noticed something sticking out from under his mattress. Curiously I picked it up and opened the small notebook, only to find thousands of tally marks. I sighed but as I was about to put it back where I had found it, I noticed writing on the cover. Nothing about it seemed out of the ordinary, besides the writing style, until I saw the date, Jeremy Brian Griffis 1729-unknown. I looked down at my best friend and thought for the hundredth time today. What the hell?!

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