I Need Your Love

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I smiled as I followed a blindfolded Dahvie, my hands resting tightly on his shoulders leading him to the small lake not too far from our house. He has always loved it here but this is technically vampire territory, meaning that as a werewolf he wouldn’t be allowed here. But being that I am with him, he should be fine. “Where are you taking me Jayy?” he asked giggling.

       I chuckled lightly and gripped the blindfold, pulling it up allowing him to see the beautiful lake. He gasped and whispered “I remember this place; we would swim here all of the time. I haven’t been here in years.” I smiled brightly and gently lifted him from the ground. He quickly realized that I was going to throw him and he squealed happily. “One. Two. Three!” I released him and with a splash he hit the water.

        His head popped up and he began laughing happily while swimming around. Happy tears came to my eyes as I watched his gleefulness. I couldn’t help but smile as I ran and jumped into the lake, quickly diving under and grabbing the giggling man by his legs before gently pulling him under water.

       The lake is really clear so we were able to look directly into each others eyes. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He began to swim up but not before grabbing my hands and pulling me up with him. As our heads popped up above water he rested a tender hand on my cheek. I immediately leaned into it with a gentle, calm smile on my face.

    My eyes closed and Dahvie whispered “This is so wrong, but it feels so right. Jayy I think I-I love you.” my eyes came open slowly to see the adorable, blushing man in front of me. I grabbed his hands tenderly in mine and looked into his glistening eyes. “Dahvie, I love you too. I always have.” he smiled brightly at me, and we both began to lean in.

But just as our lips were about to mold together, we both heard a demonic growl. The wolves had found us. I had glanced the way in which I heard the sound but I quickly turned back to face Dahvie. “Run Dahvie.” I whispered. His eyes went wide as he whispered “I’m not leaving you.” I felt tears growing in my eyes as I all but yelled “run Dahvie, run. I’ll be fine just go please! I’ll never forgive myself if you are hurt!”

     He whimpered but nodded while swimming to the edge of the lake. He got out and began to run, but not before he whispered “I love you, be careful.” I smiled at him reassuringly, though I wasn’t even sure myself. There is no telling how many wolves there were, but I will stop them. I have to

      . I quickly got out of the water and stood, waiting silently for a hint, a howl, a growl, even the breaking of a twig. It had been about two minutes when I heard what I had been waiting for, a small growl. I glared as four wolves came out of the brush, slowly one by one. They all looked mincingly in my direction.

     I listened as the biggest wolf gave a command and they all charged at me. I hissed loudly as I threw them behind me repeatedly until one got me around my throat. I gasped out in pain and fell to my knees. They had to have punctured my jugular, I could barely breathe. I coughed and black spots began to blot out my vision.

   I had to give up, I couldn’t fight. But the wolves had gone. Wait! They’re after Dahvie! No they cannot get away with that. I coughed again and blood began to fall out of my mouth, but I didn’t care. I have to save Dahvie; I have to protect him with all I’ve got. Without a second thought I pushed myself up from the ground and began to run as fast as I could. I’m going to save him, even if it’s the last thing that I ever do.


     I’ve been running for about five minutes and I can smell the wolves behind me. Jayy couldn’t stop them; I really hope he is okay. Maybe they just jumped around him and came after me, yeah that has to be it. I was just about to round a corner when sharp teeth gripped tightly onto my ankle, pulling me onto the hard ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2012 ⏰

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