*Ten Minutes Later*

Belinda's POV:

            As Louis parked the car, I got more and more nervous. What if I say something wrong? What if Harry doesn't like what I'm wearing? What if--

           "Bel. We're here!" Liam said, grinning. I opened the door, slipping out of the car. I stared in awe. We were at a park, and everywhere, there were blue lanterns lit up with little blue lights. I gasped, taking in the beauty of the park. This must have taken all day! 


          "Hello! Your table awaits," Niall said, pulling on my arm nervously. I laughed. He was dressed up exactly like a waiter, complete with his blonde hair slicked back. I felt bad for him, because he looked a little uncomfortable. He led me over to the center of the little park, a circle lit up by the lanterns. In the middle was a simple metal table with two chairs. In the center of the table was a bouquet of sunflowers. I grinned as Niall slinked away from me. Suddenly, through a little path across from me, Harry appeared. 

         "You look amazing, Belinda," Harry said, grinning. I blushed, my nervousness washing away, replacing it with butterflies. He walked towards me as I stayed frozen in my spot, awestruck at how he took my breath away. I didn't realize he was right in front of me until he whispered, "You might get stuck in that position, love. You look amazing."

         He took my hand and kissed it, making me blush as he walked me over to the table, pulling out my chair for me. I was sure that my face was the color of a ripe tomato. He sat down across from me, grinning as though I was the best prize of all. It was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. We both could sense the passion in our hearts. 

         "Hey! Your dinner is served," Zayn said, holding in a laugh. I wasn't sure why he was laughing until he lifted the cover of the platter off, revealing two plates of spaghetti. One was half eaten. There was only one person I could think of that would eat--

          "NIALL HORAAAAN!!!!!" Harry yelled, standing up. Zayn and I were in hysterics. Niall walked in nervously, biting his lip.

           "Yes?" Niall said softly, his eyes widening at the half full plate, "ZAYN! I TOLD YOU TO PUT MORE SPAGHETTI ON HARRY'S PLATE!" 

           "You shouldn't have eaten it in the first place!"

          "It looked good!"

          I just sat there, crossing my legs and laughing my butt off. The boys got more and more into their argument until I whistled loudly. 

          "Boys. Relax. Niall, grab the plate and go refill it. Harry, calmate. Yelling isn't going to fix anything. Zayn, stop laughing. Now go," I said, grinning. Harry blushed, realizing what he just did. He walked over and sat back down, embrassed.  I smiled.

                                                    *10 Minutes Later*

           Everything was fixed and in place, so now Harry was trying to charm me with the worst jokes ever. As bad as they were, I still found them very funny.

           "What do you call crisps that aren't yours?" He asked nervously.

          I laughed, knowing where this was going. "What?"

          "Nacho crisps!"

          I laughed, even though it is one of the worst jokes known to man.

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