::11:: At Least Kidnap Me in a Nice Car Next Time

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I moaned, staring at the building. "But I don't want to go in here. I want to go over to those stores.." I turned around and pointed at the cheaper cloths store.

Jade looked at me in disbelief. "You know you'd figure that since you're actually quite well off in the money department you'd be happy that we're going to Aeropostale." She shook her head. "But you're just weird."

Draesen blinked giving her an incredulous look. "Weirdo? Don't be so nice." She turned to me looking me right in the eyes. "You're a freak."

I blinked unsure what I should say. I just blinked and with a completely serious face I stared right back at her. "I know."

It was quiet for a few moments before we all couldn't hold it in anymore. We ended up rolling on the floor of the mall having pedestrians staring at us. I think one actually ran into a support beam because they were too busy looking at us.

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down. I pulled myself up into a sitting position. The two of them had calmed down reasonably, but were still giving out little chuckles while lying on the floor. "I've always gone for the cheaper stuff because it gave my parents less hassle."

Jade and Draesen blinked looking at each other for a moment then nodded. "Too bad. We're going to get you some cute clothes and you WILL love it." They both grabbed one of my arms and started leading my over there despite my best resistance. 

As soon as we passed through the doors to the store I even smelled the price tags. Ok they weren't really that expensive, but they cost more than what I normally buy. This might be something I'm going to have to get used to.

My best friend's hot 

My best friend's hot 

No matter what I do won't love me

I blinked looking around curiously at the two of them. I don't think I've heard that ring tone before. "Erm...Who's phone is that?"

Draesen looked at me. "What do you mean?"

Why don't you come on closer please 

Yeah you don't know 

I brush my hand across your knee 

Just take it slow 

Because I'm not gonna tell you all the things I might...like

I raised an eyebrow. "I think someone's phone is going off." I looked between them. Finally Draesen looked away guiltily.

Won't you apologize to me  

to me  

to me 

For being such a tease 

a tease  

a tease 

You know I'm not gonna tell you all the things I might...like

How I Met my Kidnap-I Mean Your FatherWhere stories live. Discover now