I eventually had to turn my car around to drive to my school. It took me fifteen minutes to get to the parking outside my school. I got out, grabbed my bag and walked towards the entrance.

Walking I felt exposed. People were looking at me. Did they know? I kept walking but as I kept walking it got worse. I felt my chest constricting. My head was beginning to feel dizzy. I glanced to my right. I saw a guy, tall with jet black hair, standing by the lockers. My heart beat faster. NO. I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I pushed open the door to the bathroom. I locked myself in a cubicle, as I slid down the wall I leaned my head over to the toilet and vomited into it. Ugh. I do not feel good. I stayed there, lifeless. My mind running wild. I hate this. I hate everything. Why me?

As I heard the school bell ring, I quickly got up and went to my first class. Hopefully, this day will end soon.

Getting out of my last class before lunch was a relief. I couldn't bear having to sit a desk confined to a place. Writing notes, answering questions. I hated all of it. Funny thing is I actually loved school. I would wake up early every day with the biggest smile on my face. I was ready an hour before school started. I had a lot of friends, everyone got along. That doesn't happen much in secondary school. Everything is different. We were all split up. For a few weeks, we talked, stayed in touch. But it got to a point where it wasn't natural it was kind of like a chore that we had to complete and then one day we all stopped talking to each other. Now we walk past each other in the hallways and we don't acknowledge each other. I shake my head a little at the memory and walk into the canteen. I forgot about how many people are actually in my school. It's packed, no fresh air. I spot Maddy in the distance standing in the line. I push my way through the crowd, getting a few remarks about skipping the line, I ignore them.

"Hey, Maya," she says cheerfully.


"What do you fancy?" she asks looking over at the food.

I follow her gaze. A line of salads are placed in silver containers. Pizza slices on paper plates. Soups in big tubs which are being fished up by a ladle.

"Maybe some soup" I answer.


I look at her and I spot her staring off into the distance. I spin my head in the direction she's facing. There sits a guy with his phone in his hands, dark hair and muscular arms.

"Who's that?" I ask in wonder moving forward closer to the cashier.

"I don't know," Maddy replies facing me again. "He's probably new. I've never seen him before."

As we grab our food Alex approaches. My stomach starts to cramp suddenly. I scream internally. Alex is a good guy. I knew him since I was nine. We grew up together. It's okay. He's okay.

"Hey, girls" He greets Maddy and me.

"Hey," Maddy and I say in unison.

"Let's go to our usual spot" Alex offers.

We walk together outside to our table. I still can't shake the feeling from my stomach away. I feel like there's a rock in my stomach. I stir my soup. I can hear Maddy's and Alex's voices but I can't make out what they're saying. I stay sitting stirring my soup. I can feel my eyes beginning to shut until I hear my name. I look up.

"Hey, Maya are you ok?" Maddy looks at me worryingly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Here take my soup I'm not hungry."

I get up from my seat.

"Where are you going?" Alex asks.

"I need to pee," I say smiling.

I continue to make my way to the bathroom trying to keep my tears in by looking down at the ground and not looking at anyone. I start to walk faster when suddenly I hit something. I look up with my hand on my head feeling dizzy. Infront of me is a column that was placed randomly in the hallway how stupid. I was about to move when I hear a deep voice behind me.

"Are you ok?"

I freeze my hand falling to my side I turn around slowly. There stands a very tall guy with dark hair and grey with a hint of blue eyes in my view. I've seen him before. I spot his muscular arms. And that's when I remember Maddy staring at him. I look into his eyes. I nearly forgot about answering.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply quickly.

"Are you sure?" he steps forward reaching out his hand and I step backwards. He looks taken aback by my action.

"Sorry," I say.

He looks down at me confused.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I just..." I pause. "I don't know, I've got to go." Before he could say anything else I run off to the bathroom sitting on the toilet seat, tears streaming down my face silently.


Hope you guys enjoyed. Comment what you thought and if it was actually any good. Thanks for reading. xx

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