Ella took the paper and Josh turned away.
"Wait" she grabbed his hands.

For a moment, you could see the way she softly grabbed his hand and his fingers twitched to her touch but struggled deeply to hold them.

Loosely, she held his hand and didn't give back the same tension.

"Thank you" she said, before letting go and placing her hands beside her. "For everything"

Josh looked over his shoulders at me before looking down at Ella. "It's the least I could do" he said so plainly.

"Josh" Ella called,  "I mean-"
Before she could continue, Ella lost balance lightly and with sudden bad thoughts, I ran towards her as Josh grabbed her before she hit the ground.

"Ella!" I frowned with surprise as Josh squatted to place her gently on the ground before pulling out his cell and dialling an ambulance to the address.

"Don't touch her" Josh growled, hanging up.


"Get the fuck away from her" Josh shoved me lightly before standing up and leaving Ella to lay unconscious on the ground.

"Dude I don't know what your problem is but this is about Ella" I rolled my eyes, taking a step closer.

Josh ran his hand inside his coat and grabbed a shiny, glossy, golden gun.
Glocking it, he aimed it at my chest.
"Take one more fucking step towards her and I'll blow your brains out"

I froze before I took a step back.
"Let me see her" I pointed down at Ella "She's not okay"

"Like you can do anything Albert" he sarcastically said "Come any closer and I'll fucking kill you"

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"Mine?!" Josh groaned as sirens were heard. "If you could stop trying to fit in somewhere you're not meant to be, I wouldn't have a problem!"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head "You're fucked up"

"Yeah" Josh nodded several times, keeping the gun aimed sharply at my chest. "You'll be surprised when your soul finds me in hell" he said, mocking death.

As the sirens were closer and footsteps were heard, Josh tucked the gun back inside his coat just in time as the paramedics jogged in.

I watched as they checked Ella's pulse before placing her onto a slider and taking her.
I followed them to the elevator but the paramedics took the first one and Josh blocked the entrance, allowing the elevator to shut and for them to leave before him and I.

He turned around, grabbed me by the throat and shoved me up against the elevator doors.
"Back the fuck off" he growled.

"Chill, dude" I frowned.

He let go of my throat and shoved me aside. As he hit the elevator call numerous times, he fixed his suit and coat before the doors opened and her entered.

He looked deep into my eyes as he hit the ground level button several times.
"I'll be damned if I let you have her" he groaned; adding, "I don't like sharing what I own" as he placed one hand over the other in front of him.

As the elevator doors closed and we stood across each other, his eyes were deep in bloody dangerous thoughts.

"She's mine" the elevator shut, echoing the perfectly clear line.

I boiled in anger,
but little did he know while he was chasing an angelic soul, I was creating water to put out his fire...for eternity.


i know took forever to update, but with Nursing school & a part time job & gym training it's rather hard please don't abuse me with hate, I already blocked many of you. I don't tolerate it.

Thankyu for everyone who has made it this far! Oil is being poured into this fire, everything is coming together with the twists, real intentions are peeking and the real devil appears!!!
What's wrong with Ella?
How far is Jack going and has Josh officially made Ella his own?

Love yu wattapoonies!

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