24-He's Mine! (End)

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You found out that Kenma has been lying to you, that he manipulated all the situations. Not too long, you divorced. Eulian is currently living with his father, Kenma. While Eulis is with you. You decided to settle it in the court. Kuroo said that he'll help you but you said that you can manage.

4 years have passed. You quit your job as a CEO and decided to have your own business, it's a book store. You also became a manga artist and your manga became popular that a company animated it into anime.

However, There's no sign of Kuroo, and its been 4 years since you last saw him.

"Mom, I'm home!" Eulis announced while taking her shoes off. She's in 5th grade now.

"Oh, I'm glad. Eulis, can you guard the shop while I'm gone?"

"You're going out again?" Eulis asked in a slightly confused tone.

"Haha, yes. I'm gonna go shopping." You replied while scratching your cheeks.

"Oh Okay, Btw, I have a project, Mom. Can you buy this thing for me." And Eulis handed a list. You took it and read it before nodding. You pick your bag and left.

You bought the things needed in your house, some groceries and the things your daughter will need for her project. You noticed that it's getting dark and you decided to head home. While walking, something caught your attention. It was the place Kuroo showed you before confessing.

You walked towards the place and stood there looking at the lovely sunset. You remembered everything; his every move while confessing, his reaction when you told him the truth and the taste of his lips when he kissed you. It's painful, you know that but it is something you can't go back anymore. You used to claim him as yours while in his point of view, your just a friend, nothing more and nothing less.

You started tearing up. You can't hold it in, you missed him so much that you will fight for your relationship even if it costs you.

You knew that he's with his wife. You imagined them kissing, sleeping together while hugging and eating at the same tables with their child while smiling. Little do you know, that it's not true.

You wiped your tears and carried all your things and was about to leave when

"[Y/N]?" You slowly turned your head and stood there in shock, like an angel pass by.

"K-Kuroo..? I'm not imagining it...Right? I must be hallucinating." She slapped her face which surprised Kuroo.

He chuckled"[Y/N], What's wrong?" He asked you with a bit of worry.

You're left speechless, you just stared at him silently. But that silence what broken when he spoke again.

"Do you not miss me?" He asked you with a smile while lifting his hands waiting for a hug.

"Have you lost your mind?? Why would I do that?" You mumbled, he seemed to hear it because he broke into laughter.

He put his hands in his pockets. "I guess, that's to be expected. I left without a word after all. Not just once, but twice, in fact." He said then raised his head. Regretting that he left.

"Kenma won the case." You said, straight forward.

"So your saying..?" He freezes on the spot.

"Yes, that means, Eulian will permanently live with him. Faith is cruel, right? So as this reality." You replied with a hint of sadness in your eyes.

"You should've accepted my request. I know Kenma too well. But instead, you denied." Kuroo said, mocking you.

"OVER. MY. DEAD BODY." You replied with a stern gaze.

He's Mine! (Kuroo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now