13-The Genius Ace

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The Game began and started neck to neck. You watched it but you saw that 3 of Mia's minions are playing for Nekoma.

The Aoba Josai won the first set. Well, its all thanks to their Ace. You know the ace since she's also your friend.

But suddenly, the wing spiker of the Nekoma hit the ace in the face with a ball it was so hard that her nose started bleeding. You don't know if its an accident or not but you suddenly saw them laughing.

They helped her and their coach approached her.

"How many fingers do you see?" The coach gave her 4.

"Ughhh....8?" She asked holding her head.

The coach asked the manager to bring her to the clinic. The coach looked for a substitute. But since the Aoba Josai's Volleyball team doesn't have many members, they decided to ask students in the crowd who is studying at Seijoh to substitute.

"[Y/N], why don't you substitute as an Ace?" Aira asked looking at you with worry that you might get mad again.

You are so mad at that time and after hearing this. It gave you an idea to use this as an opportunity to pay back. You raised your hands, gaining much attention but you don't care. The coach looked at you but didn't hesitate to let you substitute since she knew that you used to play. Some are confused.

"I'm [L/N][Y/N]." You introduced

It's still time out so you instructed them your strategy. They are shocked at first but agree to it.

The wing spiker started to serve the ball, and the libero in your team received it. The setter does a form that spikers used to spike which fooled the middle blockers of your opponent then suddenly changed it to a set form tossing it to you, you spiked it, and put twice your strength into it. Their libero tried to receive it but failed.

Kenma, Kuroo and the others are surprised. Kenma watched the match and wasn't able to pick your strategy, every score, your strategy changes, makes it hard for anyone even him to understand.

"She..she's strong..." Kenma said in disbelief

"Your right, are you able to pick their strategy?" Kuroo asked.

"No.. I cant.. And I won't be able to.. ever since [Y/N] entered the game.. their strategies are hard to understand." Kenma replied.

"But how..?" Kuroo asked again wearing a confused look on his face.

The match ended. Aoba Josai won of course with a score of 8-25.

"[L/N]-san, your soo cool!" Girl 1 complimented you

"How are you able to do that, [L/N]-senpai?" Girl 2 asked you?

"You all seemed surprised." The coach said.

"Yes, coach... We're confused when you let her substitute as the ace but now we understand. But the real question is.. how?" Girl 3 asked

"You didn't tell them, [L/N]?"

"I didn't." You replied

"You see, [L/N] here, used to play volleyball in middle school. She's really famous, her name is all over the news, she's the one they called, 'The Genius Ace'." She told them. The freeze at the shock.

"Wait you mean? The Genius Ace is actually [L/N]?" Girl 4 asked.

"Yes." The coach answered

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