10-Aoba Josai

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Years Later

"So [Y/N], we'll be separated. Make sure to contact me, okay?" Aira reminded you.

"Sure, you too." You waved at each other as you left.

You went home. You going to be a high school student now.

"I'm home!" You shouted

"Oh [Y/N], welcome home." Your dad greeted you.

"Great! Now that you're here, let's talk about the school you're going to study." Your mother said.

You all gathered in the dining table and discussed about the school you are going to transfer.

"We're planning to transfer you to Aoba Josai. Isn't that great!" Your mom said in a jolly tone.

"Aoba Josai?.." you asked

"Yes daughter, it's not that far." Your dad said.

"Uhmm okay then.." you said then stood up, heading to your room.

You jumped into your bed then lay down for a while. Your opened your phone and browse the internet. You searched 'Aoba Josai' and you saw that it's quite popular. In volleyball, it's not that strong and not weak either.

"Now what?" You whispered

Days have past and you passed your entrance exam. You tried contacting Kuroo but it seems like he blocked you. Your too angry at your ex-best friend and told your self that your gonna pay her back.

Its the day, your first day of school in Aoba Josai. Your parents bought you a bike as a gift from passing the entrance exam. You could just simply accept the recommendation they gave you but you are not going to play volleyball since you are planning to become a manager.

You used your bike to arrive there early. When you got there, you parked your bike and head into the school building. You saw the section '1-A' and went inside. You sitted in a third row near the window (like always).

Later on, the student occupies the sits and the homeroom teacher arrived. The seat beside you is empty means someones late.

Not too long the door opened. And suddenly the girls around you started fangirling and murmuring. You saw a handsome tall guy with brown hair (I think).

"Mr. Oikawa, why are you late?" The teacher said in a strict voice.

"Sorry Teacher, Many fans greeted me on my way here." The Oikawa guy said.

The teacher sighed "You can sit at the vacant chair."

You stared at him as he headed towards the chair beside you.
'Sheesh, someone could have at least told me that theirs a handsome and popular guy in the school.' You thought to yourself.

The time passed and its already lunchtime. You went to the cafeteria and eat your lunch. After finishing your lunch, you left the cafeteria and headed to your classroom, on your way to the classroom, the doorway is crowded with girls and you saw him again, the one they called Oikawa.

As the class ended. You thought if you could at least check the Boy's Volleyball but since you are a first-timer (well some of the students including you). You thought about asking someone to tour you around the school tomorrow so you left.

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