Chapter Sixteen, Spring Break Special Part Two: Birthday

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A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to give you guys a huge thank you for over 5k reads and 92 hearts! I really like how you're enjoying the story!

I do want to warn you that this next chapter is going to get a little steamy, (not smut, don't worry) but I think you guys will really like this one!

Hope to see you guys later!

- Harper E. Pierce

There was only one more activity before the big day. She hadn't even told Wanda about it. It was Loki's pick, and he wanted to go and visit Kualoa Ranch, where all the movies were filmed. Apparently, Loki happened to almost exactly like one of the characters from Kong: Skull Island, which was filmed there.

The park was beautiful. It had agricultural beauty, with some history on some of the bunkers that were there. Most of the bunkers were now placed for movie props.

Vision seemed to really connect with the horses. He had a way with them, he was able to make any horse do what he wanted. Tony, strangely enough, also had a way with the horses, that had him not wanting to leave there. Sam, Clint, Loki and Dani were having races on the ATV's, while Thor, Natasha, Bruce and Steve were ziplining. Bucky seemed to especially like the movie tour, and Wanda couldn't stop taking pictures. And they turned out really well too.

At around nine o'clock that night, they came back, but decided to play a couple of games of blackjack, which turned into it being almost ten o'clock. How were Steve and Dani going to sneak around them? But a lightbulb suddenly turned on in Steve's brain.

"You know, guys I'm wiped, I'm going to head to bed," Steve lied, gesturing lightly to Dani. It took her a second, but she finally caught on.

"Oh, me too. I feel sooo tired. I'm gonna go to bed. Night," the pair were about to head upstairs before Natasha said something.

"You two have been going to bed at the same time for the past few nights, is there something going on here?" She inquired.

"Yes, I have noticed this as well. Whatever is the matter?" Loki smirked. Tony's face began to darken. Bucky and Wanda were trying their hardest to contain their laughter.

"No, I guess we're just tired at the same time."

"Sam, I smell three hundred bucks coming my way," Clint smirked at his partner in crime.

"Naw fam, Steve's not with Dani." Sam refused. Steve's, Dani's and Tony's eyes all widened in unicen.

"Rogers..." Tony threatened the blonde darkly.

"Tony, I'm helping her with her activity plan for tomorrow. I'm helping her organize it. She wanted it to be a surprise." Steve explained. The team sighed in relief.

"Okay then..." Tony replied suspiciously. He let the pair go. Dani changed into a sports bra and leggings and headed to the gym. The fast forties music was already playing.

"Someone's efficient." Dani joked. Steve chuckled.

"Alright, I want you to lead me through this dance." He told her. She nodded, and began to dance. At first, she was nervous and rigid.

"Relax," He said. She did so, and it actually made her as good as Steve at swing. After an hour, they were both exhausted, as they hadn't taken a single break.

"You're ready."

"You think so?"

"Of course you are! Just remember to relax, and then it should be mindless," he suggested to her.

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