Chapter Eight, Christmas Special Part Four: Sweep Me Off of My Feet

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Author's Note: Hey guys! This is the last chapter of the Christmas Special. Now because I haven't worked on my original story in about a month due to the Christmas Special, I might have to postpone a chapter or two being published.

This chapter is based off of a scene from Enchanted, if you haven't seen the movie, go check it out. I highly recommend listening to the song "So Close" by Jon McLaughlin before or during reading this chapter (I kinda used some of it in my story). You can find it on Spotify or on Youtube.

Thank you so much for 247 reads, I really love all of the support I'm getting. Enjoy chapter eight!

See you later!

- Harper E. Pierce

The winners of the competition were being announced. No one really cared who won as much as they cared who lost. Sharing your biggest secret with someone was one thing, but being a person slave for a week is a whole other thing.

Dani woke up that morning at around nine o'clock, showered and got dressed in a baby blue cropped hoodie with mesh on the arms and sides, and a pair of black leggings. She threw her hair a ponytail and didn't bother with much makeup. She went downstairs for breakfast and saw everyone was there, including Bucky, but everyone was still in their pyjamas.

"Morning Dani," Bucky greeted her as she sat down beside him, "you're already awake,"

"Nope. I just decided I'd get dressed first today. Dad, can you pass the coffee?" She asked her father.

"Here," he brusquely handed her the pot of, what he called, 'wake-up juice'.

"Hangover?" She giggled a little.

"From hell," he cradled his head with his hand.

"That's what you get when you drink too much,"

"So Dani, are you gonna sing us a song again?" Clint mocked her.

"I don't know... can you handle it, Barton?" She smirked back.

"Don't get cocky,"

"I'm a Stark, and cocky is my middle name." Everyone at the table chuckled. "Sam, you have the final event, what's it gonna be?"

"I've actually already decided. Tony, you know how we still have to have that gala with the head members secretary of state, the president, the governor, the general of the U.S army Everett Ross, T'Challa and their families? We still haven't done that, and they wanted that done by the end of this year. So we're having a gala. With dancing, a band, hors d'oeuvres, the whole nine yards."

"Sam, no one knows about me. We still haven't come out to the world that I'm alive. I go out in a disguise all of the time." Dani argued.

"They all know, I've just asked them to keep it on the down low, for you. We're good friends with all of these people." Tony replied.

"When did you tell them?"

"Just after you came out of your shell. I told them you weren't ready for people to constantly snap your picture and have the paparazzi in your face all of the time. They respected my decision and decided not to let the press know. I let them know of your situation, and I'm very sure they will not make too much small talk or ask you much."

"Okay, so when will the party be?"

"Hold up, are you sure she's ready for this?" Bucky asked. "I mean, she hasn't really seen other people in over eight years."

"Since when do you care for my daughter's well being, Barnes?" Tony raised a brow at his strange concern.

"I have emotions too, Stark. I just know how it feels to stick out like a sore thumb. I know she will, no one's seen her in eight years. They're going to ask her questions."

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