Chapter One: The Avengers

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"THAT'S IT! SHE'S COMING OUT OF HER ROOM! I WANT MY DAUGHTER BACK, NOT SOME ASSASSIN THAT DOES NOTHING BUT SLEEP!" Tony Stark yelled, frustrated with his newly found daughter, Dani. He stormed upstairs to her bedroom and banged on the door. "Dani! Out of your room!" There was no answer, so he opened the door. He saw his daughter, sitting on the floor, staring at the wall. She didn't even flinch when he opened the door. Tony walked up to her and lightly poked her shoulder. She grabbed his hand, flipped him over her shoulder and held him in a pin. "Hey! Hey! Relax... it's me, your dad." He groaned in pain. She let him go reluctantly, but quickly; the Avengers used to be her mission. "You haven't slept, have you?" Tony scowled at her. A blank expression on her face lingered. "I can see the dark circles under your eyes. And you're wearing the same sweatpants and shirt as three days ago,"

"... I... I'm ... sorry," Dani hung her head as she said this. She was clearly frustrated. She ran a hand through her long, straight, dark brown hair and cringed, remembering that the Avengers weren't her mission anymore, they were her "friends", as her father liked to put it.

"Dani, you're getting therapy from now on. Now come on down. I know you don't like people, but I want you to meet some people after breakfast, they're my co-workers." Tony told her.

"Yes sir," she replied like a soldier. This practically crushed Tony, being responded to like Alexander Pierce himself. But he walked down the stairs, and she followed him. After silently eating breakfast with her father and Pepper, she went back upstairs, in hopes of staring at the wall in her room again, like she had done for the past three weeks. But Dani remembered what her father had told her. So she took a long shower, she hadn't showered since the day she got there, which was three days ago. But when she got out, she stared at herself in the mirror.

"Is this who I used to be? Pretty, smart, rich, kind with lots of friends? Look at me now. A killer, an assassin. I almost murdered my own blood, I'm dangerous." She thought depressingly. She dried herself off, with this replaying in her head. Then she looked in her closet. A walk-in closet, with the nicest clothes she had ever seen in there. She decided to wear a pair of black leggings and a sweatshirt from MIT university, and she threw her hair in a messy bun.


"Everyone, be nice. She's not really a people person," Tony instructed the Avengers.

"Tony, why wouldn't we be nice? She probably doesn't remember us, so we will act as if nothing was wrong." Steve replied. Just then, looked over to see a petite, pale-skinned, dark-haired, pretty girl walk down stairs. He stared. But her cool grey eyes showed no emotion.

"This is Danielle Stark? After six years?" Steve asked himself in his head.

"Dani, this is Bruce, Thor, Vision, Clint, Natasha, Sam, Steve, Bucky and Wanda. They're my co-workers." Iron man explained to his mistrusting daughter.

"Hello," they all said. But two people caught her eye. One girl, that had long brown hair and brown eyes and she was very pretty. She was probably a little shorter than Dani, and the other was a man, with longer brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a metal arm, but there was something about him that Dani recognized. Dani didn't know their names, but all of the Avengers were going to hang around in avenger's tower for a little bit. At least that gave her a chance to get to know them.

Two men, both tall, one with long blonde hair and blue eyes, and the other with black curly hair and brown eyes, strolled up to Dani.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Bruce Banner," The curly haired one said.

"And I'm Thor," The other one said, "I'm a demigod, with an idiot brother named Loki, who's adopted. You are Danielle Stark, am I right?" She only nodded, and they sat down on the couch.

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