Chapter Six, Christmas Special Part Two: Friends and... Mistletoe

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The next person to be picked out of the bowl was Clint. He decided it was a great idea to play the mistletoe game, not just for a day or two, but for all of Christmas! This wasn't fair.

"So the rules of the game are that EVERYONE, including myself, has to play and each time two people get caught under the mistletoe, it doesn't matter if both of you are of the same gender, you still have to kiss on the lips." He smirked greatly. The whole team groaned at this.

"I hate you, Clint." Tony grumbled. "I really don't want to watch my daughter makeout with one of you. And we get stuck under the mistletoe, I'm only giving her a kiss on the cheek."\

"That's allowed, because you're family."

"You won't always be in the room when it happens," Sam commented.Tony's grimace grew bigger. The whole room started burst into laughter again.

"Um, I haven't actually kissed anybody since 1945," Steve stated sheepishly. They all gasped.

"Not one?" Natasha asked.


"I haven't kissed anyone before." Vision added.

"Us girls will show you how it's done!" Wanda piped up.

"I don't give a shit about what you two do. Dani, however-" he grimaced again at thought of someone on the team making out with her.

"It's not like I haven't kissed anybody before the incident," Dani glared at him, knowingly. "Either way, it's a Christmas tradition,"

"Fine, whatever,"

"Pepper's included in this, by the way. I filled her in on the plan."

"Hell yes!"

"Let the games begin!" Clint yelled out as they all walked out of the meeting room. It was ten o'clock that night, so everyone after that just continued to work or they went to bed. Tony's employees and Clint put up the mistletoe. There were eight to ten on each floor, making them almost impossible to avoid. The penthouse was the main Avengers floor, where everybody gathered, and there were ten on this floor, one for almost every room and three for the main room, where the kitchen, bar, living room and games room were all combined into one open-concept room.

The next day, Dani woke up around nine o'clock, took a shower and got dressed into an asymmetrical red tight partial button-up shirt with a black sweetheart neckline camisole attached underneath, black ripped jeans, and black suede boots with a four inch heel. She wore her gold eyeshadow and red lipstick, and she left her long permed hair down. She took the elevator up to the penthouse, the main Avenger's floor. She looked around the elevator, boredly, until noticing the mistletoe in the elevator, and rolling her eyes.

"Really Clint?" She thought. She finally reached the penthouse, seeing mistletoe everywhere when the doors opened. One of the two in the living room was on the chandelier, and the other was near the step going down to the living room, two above the bar, two in the kitchen, two in the dining area and one above the staircase. That was eight that she saw, not even the ones that could possibly be hidden.

"Are you going to stand in the elevator all day or would you like to join the reindeer games, Rudolph?" Tony caught attention. Most of the team was already there, in the dining room, everyone avoiding the mistletoe in it.

"Hey guys," she greeted them, and sat down, not caring about the plant she had just walked under, since nobody was there with her.

"Bold move, Stark." Clint smirked.

"Really? Eight mistletoe on one floor?" Dani commented.

"There's more than that here," his smirk growing bigger.

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