Chapter Two: Wanda

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One week later...

Dani went straight back up to her room when she got home from therapy today. It didn't surprise Tony much, he figured she would stare at the wall again, the main part of her daily routine. But he wanted to talk to the rest of the team about this. He wanted to explain that they were going to keep a closer eye on Dani because she needed it. Tony scheduled a team meeting, they all came right on time. Sam, usually showed up late to team meetings, but he wasn't, so Tony guessed that everyone knew what the matter was. We all sat down in the meeting room on the seventeenth floor of Avenger's Tower.

"I guess the matter of this meeting is already known. Now I want you guys to help me. I want you all to keep an eye on her, inform me of everything she does. Some of you are more friendly with her, so try and be her friend. Please. I need this, she needs this. I want her to open up to someone." He explained, trying his hardest not to cry. He was Tony Stark, he never cried. At least, not in front of people like this.

"Don't worry Tony, we will. Us girls can have some 'girl-time' if we need to," Natasha suggested, "if I do become her friend, I will only inform you of dangerous things. She still needs her private life."

"I disagree with that. I want to know everything."

"Tony, that's ridiculous. I know you're her father, but you're smothering her. Nat's right; she still needs a private life, but we will tell you if something isn't right, or if she opens up," Bruce reasoned.

"Fine, but if anything goes wrong, I'm ripping you all to shreds." Tony threatened. "I want one of you to talk to her tonight." Iron Man demanded. Everyone raised a brow, except for Bucky and Wanda, they stared off into the distance. But Wanda looked a little suspicious to him. She eventually hung her head and sighed.

"Tony, I have to tell you about something," The Scarlet Witch admitted nervously. The Avengers all turned to her, "I know what goes on inside her head every second of every day. I know what she thinks about, and honestly, just her thinking about what HYDRA did to her scares me. I see the images in her mind every day. It's all she thinks about." The room fell silent for a moment, waiting on the reaction from Tony.


"I was too much of a coward to say anything, I'm so, so sorry," Wanda looked ashamed.

"Wait a minute. This could be a good thing. You could help. She can't lie to you, you can read her mind." Steve halted Tony before he could yell some more. He opened his mouth to argue that, but his mind decided to rethink that option for a moment.

"I could talk to her if you want, but I want to bring him with me," Wanda offered to him, pointing at the Winter Soldier himself. Tony was against that idea immediately; he didn't like Bucky to begin with. No, he hated him. He killed Tony's parents. He couldn't believe my ears, Wanda's offer was insane.

"Hell freaking no," Tony argued angrily.

"Tony-" Steve was cut off.

"Shut up, Rogers! I don't want him anywhere near Dani!"

"Tony, will you shut your goddamned mouth for one freaking second and just listen?!" Natasha yelled. The whole room immediately went into a pit of silence. "Sam wants to say something, but you need to be open to ideas,"

"Alright, come out with it then,"

"I know that you're going to hate me for agreeing with this, but Tony, Wanda's right. Bucky's been through seventy years of what she went through, and Wanda's been through about a year of that same torture," Sam reasoned. Bucky groaned and finally said something.

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