Chapter Twelve: The Newest Avenger

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A/N: Hey guys! So who saw Black Panther? IT WAS AWESOME! I loved it, and I think you guys should go check it out. We have a couple of new characters in this chapter, and I hope you guys enjoy it!

- Harper E. Pierce

Dani woke up the next morning at eight thirty in a lively, yet peaceful mood, and she never remembered a time that she ever felt the way she did. But a certain pit formed in her stomach, a pit of guilt, and wonder of how she was going to tell her father; or how she was going to keep it a secret from him.

And what were they, anyway? They weren't a couple, that's for sure, and they clearly weren't just friends either. She wanted to go on dates with Bucky, but she wasn't sure if he did. And she kept in mind that he was hesitant to go out, because he thought he was a menace to society; his past with HYDRA still kept him a little distant from people.

But there was another issue as well; her father. He wanted her under surveillance or "babysat" at all times when she went out. Well, she could convince Pepper to let Bucky be her "babysitter", but that was more Tony's decision than hers. She could influence his decision, and Pepper didn't have an issue with him, but they weren't really friends either.

Dani was excited for one thing today; she was finally meeting the rest of the team. She had met Thor and Bruce before, but the last time she had seen them was about two years ago. She still hadn't met a T'Challa, Peter and Scott, who weren't really Avengers, but sort of were at the same time; they all had their own lives to live, and were called upon in extreme situations. Just thinking about the day ahead of her lit up her face. But then she turned around to see a pair of icey blue eyes staring at face.

"Hi," Bucky greeted her, with a groggy yet adorable smile, leaning into her face a little.

"Morning," she replied, giving him a kiss. "We've got a big day ahead of us, so I'll start getting read-"

"No." He refused playfully. Just as she was pulling the duvet off of her, he grabbed her by her waist and buried his head into her neck. Her she laughed a little, attempting to pull his arms off of her, by was not succeeding.

"Bucky!" She laughed, and so did he.

"I don't want to get out of bed yet," he whined, his grip tightening a little.

"I know, but we have to. We're meeting with people today," she tried to reason with him, but she was succumbing into his playful mood. "Fine, but only for a couple more minutes." He pulled her in closer to his chest, and kissed the top of her head.

"So, what does this mean? For... us," he asked her awkwardly.

"I don't know, I guess whatever we want it to be,"

"And what is it we want?"

"You know what we want, Buck." She looked him in the eye as she said this. kissed him again, this time letting it deepen like the previous night. Her asking wasn't completely obvious, but it was

"I'd be honoured to call you my girlfriend, Danielle," he answered her, with a huge grin plastered across his face. They kissed again, this time letting it deepen like the previous night. Her asking wasn't completely obvious, but it was clear, to him at least.

"I know you're going to hate it when I say this, but I have to get dressed now." She sat up in the bed, getting out of it. He rolled his eyes, and sat up, while groaning.

"Ugh... fine. See you at breakfast, Doll." He brought back his forties charm, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before shutting the door and leaving the room. Dani's heart fluttered, and she was blushing like mad. But she knew that she was in deep shit if her father ever found out about their relationship.

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