Sanders Side: I Want to Hear You Laugh

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"Let's do this!" Grinned Patton.


"Virgil!" Roman's voice shook Anxiety out of his thoughts and he looked up to see the three other traits heading towards him.

"You look down in the dumps," Patton remarked. "Want me to dePRESS it out of you?"

Virgil made no reaction. Roman plunked down next to him. 

"Come on, that was funny!" Encouraged Roman, smiling. There was a strange light in his eyes that Virgil didn't like.

"Sure," muttered Virgil sarcastically.

"Wanna year something that happened to me?" Patton grinned excitedly.

Virgil shrugged. "Fine."

"So it's like 9:00 in the morning..." Patton delved into a story, and Virgil felt his mind wandering. He thought about what it would be like to laugh. It had never happened before. What did it sound like? Sure, he'd heard his fellow traits laugh, but he hadn't ever. He cleared his brain.

I won't laugh.

"...and in all capitals, two hours later..." Patton paused dramatically. Virgil looked up.

"MARK ZUCKERBERG!" He cried. Virgil allowed a small smile onto his face; it was a random yet funny story.

"You smiled!" Roman spoke after recovering from his fit of giggles at the joke. Virgil shrugged.

"The story was okay."

But Roman wasn't done. "But I haven't heard you laugh."

Virgil snorted and rolled his eyes. "Not happening, Ro."

Roman smirked. "Oh, I think it is~"

Virgil looked over at his friend. "Wait, what?"

"You know what I mean, Virgil," Roman narrowed his eyes and wiggled his fingers playfully. 

Virgil bolted.

"Come baaack, Virgil!~ We want to hear you laugh!" Roman's voice floated to him and footsteps behind him told Virgil he was being chased. He ran faster, dodging an open closet door and booking it down another hallway. He could feel an anticipating smile prying at his face, and he let it stay there.

Suddenly arms wrapped around his torso and he yelped, falling over onto the carpet. Roman had grabbed him.

"Roman, no!" Virgil tried to be threatening, but he was smiling again.

"Too late!" And Roman' s fingers wiggled at his sides. Virgil bit his lip and shut his eyes, trying his best not to laugh, but his smile was widening. 

I can't laugh, I won't! Not for this stupid reason! Damn it, Virgil, why do you have to be ticklish?!

Virgil squirmed, trying to escape Roman's grasp, but the creativity trait held fast, tickling faster and saying, "no escaping!"

"R-Roman! Stohohop!" The anxiety trait felt his strength ebbing, and tried harder to escape.

"Aww, was that a giggle?" Teased Roman, moving up to Virgil's ribs. That's when he lost it. Giggles poured from his lips and he instantly flushed red.

"Rohohomahahan stahahap!" Virgil thrashed harder and pushed at Roman's hands, but then Logan stepped forward and grabbed Virgil's wrists, holding them above his head.

"Lohogahan! Nahat fahahair!" Virgil squirmed even more desperately and tried to tug his wrists from the logic trait's hands, but he held fast.

"I am sorry, Virgil," said Logan, "but I believe this is the best way to do this."

"Dahahamn ihihit!" Virgil shut his eyes again and felt Roman's fingers roam up and down Virgil's sides. 

"Your laughter is adorable, you know," said Roman teasingly. Virgil flushed more.

"StahahaHAHAHAP!" Roman had reached his armpits and Virgil fell into loud laughter.

"I take this is one of his tickle spots?" Roman asked Logan, as if there wasn't a thrashing, laughing Virgil under them. Logan nodded.

"Thomas is especially ticklish here," he said thoughtfully. "His feet are bad, too."

"OHNODONTYOUDAHAHARE!" Virgil begged, but Patton was stepping forward. Virgil kicked wildly, but after a few moments of battle Patton had gained control of the anxiety trait's legs and sat on them.

"PAHAHATTOHON NOHO IHIHI CAHAHAN'T TAHAHAKE IHIHIT THEHERE!" Virgil pleaded, thrashing even more desperately and trying to pull his feet from under Patton's weight.

Patton didn't reply, but untied Virgil' shoes.

"FUCKNOPAHAHATTOHOHON!" Virgil shrieked as Patton gently slid his fingers up and down Virgil' socked feet. He kicked as much a sigh he could under Patton, but to no avail.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Bad word, Virgil!" Teased Morality, switching from sliding to skittering. If Virgil wasn't in hysterics before, he sure was now. He kicked and shrieked and squealed and snorted, all the while cackling his head off. But... Virgil didn't say stop. He just laughed. And as happy tears leaked down his face, he realized it felt good. It felt good to smile and laugh after a while.

"Okay guys, back off," warned Roman, stopping. The other two ceased as well and let poor Virgil go. He instantly curled into a ball, giggling.

"Your laughter is so cute, Virgil!" Roman teased, grinning.

"Y-Yohou suhuck..." panted Virgil, grinning.

The other three traits smiled and glanced among each other.

 "That was awesome," whispered Patton.

"He definitely seems much happier," agreed Logan.

"We'll have to do it again sometime," Roman added.

Virgil looked up.

"Never... never again," he gasped. The other three burst into laughter.

"Oh, don't worry," Patton teased, "we will!"

Virgil listened to them chat, a warm feeling spreading through him.


A small voice in the back of his head probed at him.

You're thinking that you loved every second.

Virgil smiled a little.

Heh... yeah. I guess it feels all right to laugh sometimes.


Also this was fun to write! :3

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