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(Y'all thought it was about Bangtan Boys, but this time it means Back To School.. sorry to disappoint!)

Kakashi got very annoyed by Obito interrupting our alone time together. "Didn't you ever hear of knocking before entering a couple's room?" Obito huffed and walked away. Poor Obito. He must've been traumatized by the scene. 
Morning came quicker and the sun was already shining. The birds were singing and the sky was as blue as the ocean. The day seemed way too perfect. I looked beside me just to see Kakashi sleeping. His mouth was slightly parted from each other. His messy hair was even messier now. Waking up to Kakashi's gorgeous face is what every fangirl has in mind. Guess I am the lucky one to have him. I put my hand on his cheek and slowly caressed it. "So soft," I murmured to myself. "I won't ever let you go. Made that mistake once and I won't do it twice." 

Kakashi's perfect pink lips formed a smile on his face. I put a finger on his lips and the feeling of how soft they were made me remember last night. "Goodmorning." His husky voice made my hair stand up. Can this last forever? As if Kakashi read my mind he said "I wish that this would last forever." I giggled and turned my back to him. He pulled me to his chest and held me close. His hot breath on the back of my neck made me ticklish. I couldn't help it and laughed. He noticed that and took advantage of it. "Hey stop! Ahahaha, Kakashi!" 

"Is he trying to rape you, again?" 

"I told you not to bother! And knock on the door before coming in!" Kakashi got up with his mood changing. "I was waiting for you guys to finish, but it just took too long. I prepared breakfast. Oh, and Beko there's a letter for you." 

I jumped out of bed and ran towards the kitchen. I heard Obito asking Kakashi if I was always like this when it came to food. "That's Beko for you." He replied. I put on some chill music and started digging into the food. Where did he learn to cook so well? "Did Itachi teach you how to cook?" I asked while stuffing my face with food. He seemed taken back by Itachi's name. "How do you know Itachi?" He asked. 

"Long story short. I know literally EVERYONE in your world." 

"Even Itachi?" 


He turned around and handed me the letter. I dropped the spoon immediately when I saw the logo on the paper. "SH*T! SCHOOL!" Oh no what now what now!? Kakashi put his hands on my shoulders. "Calm down, Beko. It is just school." My eyes widened "JUST school?" Kakashi grabbed the letter out of my hands and started reading it. 

"Well? What does it say?" I said biting my nails. Don't know if you could tell already, but I have lots of bad habits.
"You'll be suspended if you keep skipping school so drastically."
"I don't think I am ready to relive the horrors of the school life." I looked at Kakashi hoping that he would save me from this mess.

"Just to freshen up a bit. You are one of the best fighters out there. You can protect yourself and survive it." Obito said while doing the dishes. Kakashi agreed and so we came to a conclusion that I should go to school today. Just to let them know I am still alive.

"Do I really have to?" I whined like a little girl. They didn't even need to answer that question. I went to my room and started getting ready.

I put my hair in a messy bun and put on some lipgloss

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I put my hair in a messy bun and put on some lipgloss. I can't even remember what I had learned at school so how am I ever going to graduate?

Obito whistled when he saw me, but my face expression didn't change at all. I was too busy trying to figure out how I was going to survive out there.
"Watch it." Kakashi said and Obito just kept annoying him by huffing and puffing.

"Beko, why are your pants ripped? They must be old. Don't you have any other pants?" Kakashi asked with a serious tone in his voice. I finally snapped out of my thoughts and laughed. Such a grandpa he can be.

"It is fashion, honey. I bought them like this." Kakashi just couldn't understand it. I walked over to him and pecked his lips.
Obito started coughing telling us that it was 'inappropriate'.
"Virgin." I said loud enough for him to hear. With that I ran out of the house praying that those two wouldn't try to kill eachother.


"She just went out of her house, sir."


Delusion or Real (Kakashi love story) #wattys2018Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin