round 1

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He came closer to me and touched my skin slowly. Going down from my shoulder. He kissed my shoulders "head up, babygirl. This is where you belong. With me."
I closed my eyes and wondered why all of this had to happen. Wasn't my life already bad enough?
"Step off, Jack. Just give me my schedule and leave me alone."
With that said he handed over the paper where was written who I had to fight.

"The Giant? What kind of a ring name is that?" I wasn't sure if this was some kind of a dream. I always have weird dreams. Someone please pinch me.
"She is easy to win from. I watched some of her early matches. That's why we will get a small amount of money if you win."

"And what if I don't win? What if I lose? What if she is just too much for me? What then?" I asked looking down.
"Remember the first fight you lost? I think you still have those scars, am I right cutie? We will add some more then." He said smiling like a wicked man.

"I still don't understand why you are doing this to me."
"Oh but darling, you don't have to. Now shall we begin your warm up?" He said curling my hair with his slender finger. I pushed him away with a disgusted look on my face. He laughed and sighed. "You better start showing me some respect, little girl."

"You have to earn respect, filthy worthless piece of-"

Without knowing what happened I was on the ground. My cheek started to sting a little bit. I felt warm liquid rolling down my chin. My lip was bleeding. I looked up at him only to be met by his hard gaze. He lowered himself and held my chin up higher so our eyes would meet. His nose thouched mine. His black eyes seemed darker, which made the hair on my neck stand up in an instant.

"I am not going to repeat myself. Respect me otherwise that doll face of yours won't be recognized anymore," he stood up slowly smirking
"Oh, and about that big mouth of yours... I will know how to shut it. Be careful, princess."
And with that he walked away.

I was on the point of breaking down. The reason why I still haven't is because of my friends. I can't let them get hurt because of this maniac. What did I get myself into?

I stood up and followed Jack to the ring. Everyone stopped training to watch me. It was as if their stares were burning into me. I held my head up high anyways, just to show them how strong I am.
There was a new young guy standing next to the ring. He handed me a head gear. I smiled at him and shook my head. He looked down and stepped aside. There was something about him that made me want to sit and talk.

"Thanks, buddy. I won't need it." I winked and the last thing I saw before I entered the ring was his flushed face. Cute

I held my guard once the bell rang through the gym Jack owned. He came closer in a fast pace thanks to his amazing footwork. I punched him straight in the face, before he could do anything. I saw his fist flying towards me, but I blocked it succesfully. This is the only time I am allowed to hurt him without getting punished. 

"Game on, Jack." I smirked back at his amused face.

********1 hour later*********

I hit the showers once we were done sparring. My body was aching already. I started to think about Kakashi and Naruto. I hope they are happier now. The tears were streaming down my face, mixing with the water. How I wished that Kakashi would show up and hug me from behind telling me everything's going to be alright. All that we hold so close and dear could disappear one day without warning. Someone barged in the bathroom, but I was mentally already gone.

Someone started shaking me. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned around. It was the same guy I saw before sparring with Jack.
"Miss? Can you hear me?"
I only nodded and walked past him.
"You had me scared for second. Phew."

I looked at him with one eyebrow raised. "Kid. Don't you have anything else to do?"
"I am new here."

I walked away with soaking wet clothes sticked on my skin. Ugh.


The cheers. Everyone was cheering. For me. This was all for me. I closed my eyes and took this all in. My hands were already sweating. It all felt like the first time I went in the ring. A smile spread across my face. A hand grabbed my shoulders and I thought it was Kakashi. I was so much sucked up in my own world, that I didn't even realize they were Jack's rough hands.

"Let's go."

I nodded and stepped into the ring with my fist up high. After the cheers my opponent came. She was huge! No wonder why she got all those nicknames. I turned around to see Jack in the corner of the ring. My face expression must've told him enough. He wished me luck and pointed to the crowd.

My mouth fell open. This couldn't be. 
Elise and Jacob were sitting next to well build men. Before the match started I went to my corner

"Jack!? What is the meaning of this? Why is Jacob and Elise tied up!? Wait, I understand why you did that with Elise, but... Jacob is my kickbox teacher and you know that! Why him too!? "

I was starting to sweat just seeing them like that. Elise was crying and Jacob looked very pissed off. I need to win. I HAVE to win.
Jack pointed towards my right. I was met with a hard punch the moment I turned around.
That punch brought me back to my senses.

My anger shot up all the way to the sky. I attacked her using my anger as fuel. I kept kicking her side but there was no effect at all. It was as if she was made out of rock. I held my knee high and hit her in the ribs with all my power. After all, I am a close-range fighter. She bent down. "Wrong move."
I striked her more downward with my elbow, kicked the side of her head  and watched her fall. This was easy.

My chest was moving up and down. My heart was beating like crazy. And my lungs? They started to burn. This adrenaline rush felt different than normal. Maybe it is because my friend's lifes are on the game. The game I am going to win.

***opponent's P.O.V.***

She stood there while I heard the crowd go crazy for her. What happened? Did I really lose? This fast? Her kicks and blows weren't like the ones I used to receive. It was like she knew the exact weak spot of every part from my body.
She was ready to step out of the ring,  but there was one person who was screaming louder. It was her coach Jack. She turned around and he gave her a thumbs up. He held his hand high and I saw two teenagers being dragged down the cheering fans. That was the last thing I saw before everything went dark.

Delusion or Real (Kakashi love story) #wattys2018Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum