tell him.. or not

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I stood still and didn't know what to say or how to react at his question. My eyes got wide and I dragged him into an empty classroom. He didn't look very pleased with that.

"What are you doing!?" He said confused and pushed me a little bit, so I would let go of his arm.
"What did you just ask me? Could you repeat it?" I said and started to walk towards him as if he was a prey.
"You are crazy." He shook his head, walked out of the door and slammed it shut.

He can't just leave like that. I opened the door and dragged him back to the classroom. I asked him the same question. I was getting impatient. When I dragged him, my nails digged into his skin. It started to bleed. He pushed me to the tables and ran away. That bastard..

What am I supposed to do now. Should I tell Kakashi about it? No, he probably won't believe me anyways. I need to solve this mystery on my own. Maybe I heard it wrong.
I was getting nervous but the bell rang and I walked to my next class. I looked at my schedule and saw that I have gym with Anthony. Crap..

After I put my gymclothes on, I walked to the benches and sat there waiting for Anthony to show up. After 10 minutes the second bell went. I would be lying if I told you that I wasn't worried. I saw Kakashi walking over to me.

"Where is the new student, Beko?" Kakashi asked coming awfully close to me. I started to sweat and touch my neck. He knew that it was my sign of getting nervous.
"I don't know. He just... I... We... Uhmm.." It was like I was choking on my words. Kakashi didn't like my answer at all, and furrowed his eyebrows.


We both looked at the guy standing behind Kakashi. I never felt so relieved before.
"I am sorry, sir. I couldn't find the gym." He apologized.
"No problem, Anthony. I guess that miss. Pein couldn't handle the responsibility to show you the whole school's buildig properly. Just as I expected." Kakashi said disappointed. It made me really mad when he said that.

After last night he and I both made love, he started to act different when some people were close to him. Naruto for example or on our way to school. People on the streets, in the stores. It was like some people just had negative influence on him.

Before the love scene he acted different too, next to other people. The funny thing is that we don't even know them. But this time he is going way too far with anthony beside him. He treated me as I was a little child that needed help with everything. His behaviour changed suddenly. This isn't the man I fell in love with.

I rolled my eyes "whatever."

Anthony and Kakashi went away to talk and ask him in what kind of sport he is good at. Anthony whispered some things into Kakashi's ear while looking at me devilishly.. Not good...

I huffed and turned away. How dare he to make me look so small.
After waiting for everyone to be quiet, Kakashi started to explain what we were going to do. "Today we are going to test your strength, by holding your opponent's shoulders and try to push him or her off of the gym mat."

Everyone groaned and chose their best friends as their partner ofcourse. I was walking to Elise, but Anthony stopped me.
"Do you want to be my opponent?" He asked politely, but I didn't like that tone of him at all.
"No." I said sounding rude and started to walk to Elise. She looked hurt so I ran to her.
"Mr. Kakashi. My leg!" She yelled out of pain and cried. I helped Kakashi to get her up.
"Yes sir. I understand." I said and knew what he meant. I ran to the little room which was where the gym teacher sat and watched the students running their ass off.
The room was made out of glass with a small desk, a computer and a freezer in it.
I grabbed ice out of it and ran back to Elise. I handed the ice over to Kakashi while everyone was surrounding her. Except him. Anthony.

"Aaalright guys she will be fine. Go back to your places and start sparring. You guys will be graded in this category!" Kakashi said.
"Oh, Beko. Your opponent will be Anthony. I don't want to hear anything. Understood?"
Seriously, what got into him. Who knows what he told Kakashi. I rolled my eyes again, and walked to Anthony who was smirking now. Oh, how I wish to wipe that smirk off his face with my mighty fist connecting his face.

We put our hands on eachother's shoulders and started pushing eachother. He was really strong. Kakashi was walking around grading the kids. At last he came to Anthony and I. This is it. I need to show him that I am strong. Besides, I want a high mark for the category: 'strength'.

Anthony did the unexpected and pushed my left shoulder down, which made me fall hard.
"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I was furious and slapped him across his face. He started.. crying?
"BEKO. MY OFFICE. NOW!" Kakashi was really angry with me. Is he blind or something like that? Anthony let me fall on my left shoulder and I knew that it would be bruised. And why did he cry.

"Crybaby." I murmered, but I think I said it a bit too loud, because I could see the fire in Kakashi's eyes. What is happening.

I ran out of school and went home without saying anything. In the morning he was all in love and happy. Now it looks like a demon got into him. There is something with Anthony and I need to find out what. Quickly.

Delusion or Real (Kakashi love story) #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now