bad feeling

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I was sweating. Not normal sweating. I searched the whole goddamn school but he was nowhere. How hard could it now be to find a loud kid. I am going to send him home the moment I find him. Kakashi was also nowhere to found. Only if he knew..
The only place where I didn't check was the gym.

I ran down the stairs and it already began to be dark. There are two gymclasses. The downstairs was always dark. And the other one is upstairs, but smaller.
Shivers ran through my spine when someone grabbed me. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. Those strong hands. I only know one person with such strength. Jack.. (the guy on the picture)

"Shhh now.. why didn't you show up yesterday? Did that white haired weirdo stop you from going to that place? And that blond guy. How could I forget of him." He grabbed my neck and came closer to my face. I saw joy in hise eyes while mine were filled with tears. "I don't want to go to that place anymore!" I yelled to his face. I was shaking in fear. "Oh but sweetie. You do need the money. Living alone isn't easy. You are a fighter Beko. You need to fight the opponents I choose. Otherwise.. you know the consequences if you won't show up." With that he grabbed a fist full of my hair and slammed my head on the wall. I blacked out. Kakashi, Naruto.. where are you guys.


Naruto's P.O.V

"20 dollars? What is that. I only wanted the triangle bread thing. It smelled so good. Come ooooon. I am hungryyyy." He was starting to make me mad. Don't make me mad when I am hungry.
"If you won't give me 20 dollars, then you can go away. You choose. And don't act like you don't know what 'dollars' are. Are you from another world. Where are you living." He yelled at me.

"Look mister. I will pay for it. 20 you say? Here you go." Kakashi sensei saved me. He gave a green paper with 20 on it. I remember seeing him that. Now I see why.

I didn't have time to thank my sensei. I put that bread with cheese and onions etc in my mouth. It was delicious. I tried to thank him, but instead I spit the half of the bread on him which people here call 'pizza'. I managed to swallow it and said "Hey sensei. Does Beko know that we are here. Besides, how did you know where I was. How did that teacher let you go on your first day."

"I am your sensei Naruto. I know that you can be a hungry troublemaker. So I asked people where the closest place is to buy food.
And that woman who showed me the school was a bit.. out of her mind. I turned left while she turned right. Sometimes being a ninja is really useful. And I don't think that Beko knows all of this." Kakashi sensei said. I only nodded because I felt all of the pizza almost coming out of my mouth. I think I ate it way too fast.

We walked back to the place what Beko calls 'hell'.
We both sat on the bench outside hell. Waiting for Beko. Kakashi sensei has also her schedule. She was supposed to come out of the school by now. We waited hours for her to come. But she didn't show up. Kakashi sensei decided that we just would go home. Maybe she left school early. I don't have a good feeling about this.

We finally arrived home after walking for 30minutes. My stomach was about to explode.


I still have this bad feeling inside me. It was already past 11 now. I was really worried about Beko. Kakashi sensei was pacing back and forth. I have never seen him like this before. Normally he is the one who is calm. He kept running his fingers through his hair. He never cared for someone this much before. Beko, where are you..


Beko's P.O.V

Cold. I was walking down the streets. All the eyes and stares of the people burning through my skin. The cold wind hitting my face harder than before. I closed my eyes to take this all in. But I couldn't feel anything. Numbness taking over. My body was aching in pain. New scars on my snow white skin that's turned red now. Blood. I saw everything blurry. I saw red. Blood. My eyes were filled with fresh cold blood. My clothes all ripped off. My legs were about to give up. Finally I arrived home.
I knocked on the door. My knuckels were all bloody and bruised. Just like my eye and cheek. I could hear fainted footsteps.

"K-k-kakas-" I fell down. The last thing I saw was Naruto's and his shocked face. The darkness flew right into me. Why. Why me..

Delusion or Real (Kakashi love story) #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now