prove me

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That bastard eating out of my fridge was looking at me with innocent eyes. Even if you are the cutest person in the world. Don't. Touch. My. I repeat MY food.

"Hey sensei. Why is that homeless looking lady saying that we are thieves?" Naruto whispered loudly enough for me to hear it.
"That's it. I am going to call the cops and saying that two idiots are playing 'ninja' in my house. Sick bastards!" I yelled to the 'sensei's face.

"I can explain it. If you just would stop yelling for a  second." The 'sensei' spoke to me. "I am Kakashi Hatake. Also known as Scarecrow and Copyninja. I am from the leaf village. This loud kid over there is Naruto Uzumaki and he is my student. He used a forbidden Jutsu and now we are here."

*long silence*

"Haha... ahahhaha..... HHAHAHHAHAHAHA" I couldn't hold my laughter anymore. This was way too much. Two idiots coming into my house claiming that they are Kakashi and Naruto. This is epic!

"Huh? Why are you laughing. Is there something on my face?" 'Naruto' asked.

"This is the funniest thing I've ever heard." I said while wiping a tear away. My stomach began to hurt. This was seriously a good prank.
"Alright guys where are the camera's. Come on I won't call the cops if you tell me where the hidden camera's are"

They both looked at me as if I was a crazy psychopath.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but we are serious. We are lost. Everywhere seems so.. different." 'Kakashi' cosplayer said to me. Now they are going too far with their joke.

"It was funny while it lasted. You can take off your mask. Naruto cosplayer. Seriously, mate. Eating out of my fridge. You really know how to be like Naruto" I said while walking to the Kakashi cosplayer.

I pulled his hair but the fake hair wouldn't come off. I pulled harder until he began to scream. This dude seriously used superglue? ...
Aawwwesooome. And I thought that I was obsessed with that show. I grabbed the mask and that's when I felt my face on the hard cold wall. His hand in my hair, holding my face and with his body he forced mine to the wall.

"Look we are serious. You are being really disrespectful. Promise me that when I let you go that you won't attack." Kakashi said with a serious but also bored look.
"Dudes. Chill out. You guys are just cosplaying the famous show Naruto. You are overreacting" I said.


Kakashi's P.O.V

"You are overreacting" she said while still laughing. This has gone way too far. First pulling my hair and then trying to unmask me.

"First of all. I have no idea what you are talking about. Second of all I am going to prove to you that we are skilled ninjas. And at last. If we succeed then you will let us stay here because this is an alien place for us." I said as calm as possible but she was starting to get on my nerves. I let her go slowly. I took off  my ninja headband to show her my sharingan.

"Ooooh and now you are going to show me your Sharingan! Yeaaaay" she was clapping like a happy seal. Wait. How does she know it..


"Yess. Come on Kakashi. Show me your one eye sharingan. Entertain me. And and can you please do your hands signs too. I want to see. Uuuhm. Chidori!" I said laughing. He looked at me with shock. Finally showing his fake Sharingan.
"Hey and you! Naruto. Show me the nine tails cloak"

"H-how do you know that?" Naruto and Kakashi cosplayer asked at the same time. They really must practiced it. This is too perfect. "Show it otherwise get out of my house." I warned them. He didn't say anything and started to do a jutsu I knew very well.

"Firestyle! Fireball Jutsu!" He yelled.

I laughed even harder. "Don't look at me as if it was going to work hahhhaa loseeer. Do you know how many times I tried to burn off annoying bitches. But yeah.. it didn't work and they called me a freak. It seems like you are worse than me. Unbelievable." I said laughing.


Delusion or Real (Kakashi love story) #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now