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"I think she is waking up."

I opened my eyes slowly and looked up to see Kakashi and Obito staring at me intensely. "What happened?"

"You pushed yourself too hard. So you fell unconscious. Are you feeling any better now?" Kakashi asked and put his hand on my head. I nodded and looked at Obito.

"Are you alright?" I asked and he flashed a quick smile. "I can see why Kakashi has feelings for you. You're asking how I am while you are the hurt one." I couldn't help but blush at his statement. Kakashi put his hand on his neck and gave him a shy laugh.

I tried to get up, but Kakashi immediatly pushed me right back. "RUDE!" I said covering my face with the blanket. "You are not getting up until you feel any better." I just rolled my eyes and huffed. "Scarecow, acting like you're my dad."

Just mentioning the word 'dad' made me feel uneasy. I couldn't even remember my own dad, but why does it make me feel this way...

This was the first time I heard Obito laugh for real. Kakashi shot us a glare which made us shut up. Obito cleared his throat and sat on the corner of my bed. Kakashi watched his movements carefully, obviously still not trusting him.

"Beko, there are important things we need to discuss. I don't know how your body or mind would react if I told you everything that happened so far. So, let me know if you start to remember anything. Alright? The sooner the better."

Obito put a hand on my shoulder. Since when does he care.. Kakashi must've spoken to him when I was laying half dead in my bed. Obito's wounds were treated well. Is there anything Kakashi can't do?

Kakashi didn't like how close we became. "Obito, why don't you be useful and make her some soup?"
"RUDE!" I spatted in his face, again. I understand his jealousy, but talking like this to his own best friend? Well, they still don't like eachother.

"Why don't you get up and cook for her? Aren't you her boyfriend? What did Rin ever see in you, anyways." He mumbled the last part.

The temperature in my room dropped very quickly and I didn't like it a bit. I grabbed my pillow and threw it at Obito. He grabbed it  like it was nothing.

Well then...

"Guys, I don't expect you two to be besties. But at least try okay?"
"Tch." With that Obito left the room using the Uchiha language as always.

I sighed and closed my eyes. I could feel Kakashi getting sad again. Whenever someone mentions Rin he gets like this. It is gonna be harder than I thought.

"Food is ready!" Obito's voice made us both snap out of our thoughts.

My stomach answered for me by making whale sounds. Kakashi tried not to laugh, but failed miserably. "Ha.ha.very.funny!"

I got up slowly with Kakashi's help. I didn't even notice my shirt being rolled up until shivers ran down my spine. Showing my bare stomach.

"Don't look! You, perv."
I said trying to tuck my shirt into my jeans. "Hmm, too bad. I think you forgot about that night." What night was he even talking about?
"What night?" It sucks to not being able to remember lots of things.
"So you really don't remember it?"
I shook my head. "I don't," I mumbled

"Well, we'll have to see what we can do about that," Kakashi leaned towards me and whispered "I saw everything already, my lady." I gasped and Kakashi basically ran to the kitchen. Obito gave him a weird look and rolled his eyes.

I went to the kitchen trying to remember, but no luck. Kakashi already took a sear and examined the soup that was in front of him.

I sat down and tried out the soup which Obito made in 5 minutes. He looked very proud of his 'masterpiece'.

"This better be good."

I took a sip and melted right away. "So delicious! Much better than hospital food. Yummy! Thank you, Obito."
Kakashi raised an eyebrow and said that it could've been better. Of course he had to say something like that. Are they ever going to accept eachother's presence?

I finished it quickly and we talked about random things mostly. Kakashi and Obito had a hard time agreeing on lots of things. They can be such a drag.
Kakashi asked lots of questions about Jack and his gang. Sadly, I can't remember too much about him either.

After chatting for hours it was time to go to bed. Obito took the room Naruto used to stay in. With a single goodnight he went to bed.

Kakashi followed me like a lost puppy.
"Uuhm Kakashi what are you doing?" I asked while walking into my own room looking for my favorite pj's. "Aren't we sharing a bed? That is what we used to do. Remember?"

"No. I can't remember. Get your ass to the couch, mister."

"Seriously? But-" I cut him off by giving him a pillow and blanket. "Couch." He sighed in defeat and went to the livingroom.

"Finally! Found my pj's" I said to myself closing my closet. I was changing into my pj's until the door suddenly opened "Beko, brought you wate- oh wow." Kakashi let the bottle of water fell on the ground making my blood boil.

"Kakashi! Now the floor is wet!"

He didn't seem to care at all. I followed where his gaze was and it ended up at my body. There I was, standing half naked in front of him. Kakashi bit his lip making my face heat up. We were again staring at eachother with lust.

He suddenly appeared in front of me. His hand was on my waist now.
"Beko. I can't take this anymore." He pushed me slightly on my bed and soon laid on top of me. Kakashi's soft lips landed on mine.

All my tensed muscles relaxed in an instant. His kiss started softly but soon it felt more demanding. His tongue and lips dominating mine. I couldn't stop the moan that left my mouth. He put his strong arms around me and pushed his body onto mine, squeezing me tightly. His warm hands were now down to my waist. He held me against his hips, and I felt him getting impatient.

I missed him so much.

I moved my hands up to his face and into his hair. I pulled gently at his soft silver hair, and he let out multiple groans in return.

"I want more. Much, much more," he leaned down and whispered in my ear. His words and hot breath made my heart pound even faster.

His shirt was now on the floor. Our bodies grinding against eachother. I put my legs around his torso and pushed impatiently. We were a moaning mess.

I felt my hips moving already up to meet him. Wanting him.

Just when we were going to take a step further my door flew open making us look up.

"Beko, are you okay!?
Oh. Sorry...
I just thought...
You know...
Nevermind... Just act like I didn't see anything."


Delusion or Real (Kakashi love story) #wattys2018Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora