deal or no deal?

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I still can't believe it. How could she say those things. If it was someone else who said that, than I would punch that person in the face. It is as if my feelings for her isn't that strong anymore. She really hurt me with her words. This doesn't happen too often. But she... I don't know anymore.

As I was thinking about her and walking randomly down the street I saw a gym. It got my attention so I walked in. Maybe I could release my anger by punching someone or at least something.

It was small but more than enough for me. There was one punching bag, one ring and there was also a room where you could use a stick and knives etc.
I kind of liked it here.

"Can I help you?" A familiar voice asked me annoyed. I turned around and there he was. The jerk Naruto defeated with his multi shadowclone jutsu. I don't think that he realizes who I am without the mask.

"I want to become a member here if that is possible." I said. He smirked and walked around me looking at my features.
"I can't promise you that. But you could try some things out here. We will see," he said. People were watching us. He held out his hand "my name is Jack." *see picture*

"Ka-nashimi." I said and grabbed his hand and shook it. I almost gave away my real identity. Kanashimi.. it doesn't sound that bad. Jack nodded and walked away while looking at me.
Probably to train the guy in the ring.
I didn't know that he had so many tattoos.

I pulled off my sweater and stood there with only my black jeans punching the bag. Everyone started to surround me. Probably because everytime I punched the bag for only three times it flew away.
I needed to get the attention of Jack. My plan needs to work. One mistake and I am out.

Jack pushed past the guys to see what was so interesting. Right when I punched the bag it flew away again and it hit the guy standing in front of me. He looked angry and was about to hit me. I dodged it and punched him right in the guts. He bent down and coughed. Blood coming out of his mouth. Jack looked impressed and applaused just like the other guys.

After a while jack said that I needed to follow him. Other guys just surrounded the guy I hit.
We went into a room and Jack sat down in front of a table.
"How come you are this strong?" He asked.
"I trained since I was a little kid. Everyday of my life I fought and trained." I said honestly.
"You seem like a guy I could use and trust. How about a job. A secret job. Every saturday night there are fights. Fighters fighting for money. Big money. I choose an opponent and you fight with that person I choose. But! But if you betray me on a way. Something like uuh not showing up when you need to. Then I will make your life a living hell. Let me tell you a story." Jack said and stood up.

"There is a girl. My favorite. She didn't show up, because she wanted to quit. And let me tell you this. No one and I mean no one quits, unless I say so." Jack said serious.

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"Lets just say that at the end of the day she didn't look too well. I need to visit her. To check if she is still alive." He said laughing.
"So you guys tortured her?" I asked in disbelief. What a monster.
"Yes we did. And guess what. We will do it again if she doesn't do what she is supposed to do. She started at a very young age and I knew her since then. My father gave this company to me, because he was ill. He was going to die soon. Money needs to roll!" He said proudly.

"Oh oh Beko.. my darling." Jack murmered.
So this son of a biscuit was talking about Beko. I want to rip off his head and feed it to the animals. Sick bastard.

"I agree. I want to be a part of it. Just tell me when and where." I said angry. I couldn't hold it anymore.
"Woah chill out tough guy. Come at saturday night to this gym. I will be waiting for you. Then maybe you can see how my girl is at fighting. Deal or no deal?" He said proudly. So Beko is going to fight for him again.
"Deal." I nodded and walked out that terrible dark room and grabbed my sweater.

*2hours later*

"Where were you!? I was so concerned. Look, I am really sorry. Please Kakashi. Forgive me. I will tell you everything you want to know. No more lies. I trust you. And why are you sweating." Beko said while she touched my cheek. How can I not have a feeling for her..

"I needed some fresh air." I said and walked to the bathroom and took a shower. Ignoring her.

After I put on some new clothes I walked past her room. Her door was open. I walked back and saw her lying on her bed with earphones in.
I knocked on her door to get her attention. She immediatly sat up and pulled off her earphones.

"You said that you would tell me everything." I said walking into her room and sat next to her.
"Uhu" she said.
"Lets go somewhere on saturday night and have a nice dinner. Then we can talk all night long. No sleep." I said.
"Oh uh saturday night? I can't.. becaaause... I already promised my friend to hang out all night long. So I will have a sleepover that day." She said looking into my eyes. She looked nervous. I could tell why. Lying while looking into my eyes so deeply.
"Another time then." I said and smiled.

I stood up and began to walk to Naruto's room to check up on him.

"Gooodniiiughty mightyy!" She yelled from her room.


Delusion or Real (Kakashi love story) #wattys2018Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang