14. Month Twelve

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Lance: How are we supposed to work this again?

Pidge: Just push the button to turn it on, there's a button on the right to take a picture and try and see if you can figure out the gender for Hunk and my baby. Keith will go first so I can show you guys the controls, then I'll go. Got it?

Lance/Hunk: Got it.

Keith got into the pod and Pidge had messed with the visuals to make the baby look human before the team came in. Pidge turned the pod on and started scanning Soren. When Lance saw Soren he smiled happily as Pidge took a picture showing Lance and Hunk how to figure out an unborn child's gender.

Pidge: Okay, you guys got it?

Lance: Yep, we've got it.

Pidge: Okay you can come out now Keith.

Keith got out of the pod and Pidge got in noticing her five month swollen stomach and putting a hand on it smiling to herself. Lance and Hunk started scanning it and started struggling with the gender.

Pidge: What's wrong?

Lance: We can't see anything... like, we can see the area but we can't see anything to tell...

Pidge put her hand over her mouth and started giggling in joy.

Pidge: G-guys...!

Lance: What?

Pidge: If you can't see anything, that means the baby's a girl!

Hunk: Wait, a girl?! We're having a girl?!

Pidge: We're having a girl...!

Allura: Alright, based on these scans both of your babies seem to be healthy and- wait... that's, odd...

Pidge: What is it...? Is something wrong...?

Allura: Pidge, I'm seeing the child that's a girl, but, there's another arm behind the girl and, wait...

Pidge: What?!

Hunk: What?

Pidge: Hunk we're having twins!

Everyone turned to Hunk who fainted after hearing the word 'twins'. Pidge heard the sound of a thud and tilted her head in confusion.

Pidge: Was that a thud?

Lance: Yep.

Lance started laughing making Pidge more curious.

Pidge: What did, something happen...?

Keith: Hunk fainted.

Pidge chuckled and rolled her eyes.

Pidge: Oh... of course he did...

Allura looked closely and was able to make out another body.

Allura: Yes! You and Hunk are having twins, and,

Allura looked at the second body and was able to see the baby's gender.

Allura: And the second baby is a boy!

A smile spread across Pidge's face.

Pidge: A boy and a girl...

Pidge started rubbing her stomach softly with her hands as happy tears filled her honey brown eyes.

Pidge: I can't wait to see you both, I'm sure you'll both be beautiful babies, just like Soren...

Allura: Alright Pidge you can come out now.

Pidge got out of the pod as Clove ran in and hugged Keith's legs.

Clove: Daddy! Daddy!

Keith: Hi Clovie!

Keith picked her up and hugged her making her giggle and squeal happily which made the other Paladins smile.

Lance: Heh, imagine having three more of those little balls of joy running around later.

Keith: I can totally see that.

Clove: Three?

Pidge: Yep, your ol' auntie-Pidge is having two babies!

Clove: Two babies!

Keith: Augh! You're so cute!

Keith hugged Clove tightly as she squealed happily in response and started to giggle and laugh. Hunk woke up smiling when he heard Clove giggling and laughing.

Lance: Oh hey, look who's up from the 'CAT-NAP' LIONS! Get it?

Keith chuckled and rolled his eyes.

Keith: Your dad's a goofball isn't he?


Keith: O-ouch...!

Lance: Keith?

Keith: I-I'm fine, just a hard kick, actually... he's hardly kicked at all this past week... I'm starting to get a little worried...

Lance: Well, it's about time for him to be born so maybe that's it?

Keith: I don't know... I haven't felt anything indicating that, other than the kicks...

Lance: Hm... that's weird...

Lance leaned down and pressed his head to Keith's stomach.

Lance: Soren? Buddy? Are you doing alright? Daddy and I are getting worried...


Keith and Lance let out a sigh of relief knowing that Soren was most likely okay.

Keith: Don't scare dad and I like that again.... please...

Keith put a hand on his stomach and smiled.

Clove: How long do we have to wait for baby brother?

Keith: Not long at al at this point, hey Lance, what do you think he's going to look like?

Lance: I dunno, you?

Keith shrugged and set Clove down as she put her head on Keith's stomach to hear and feel Soren.

Keith: *sigh* 'I hope you look like your father when you're born... otherwise I'll have a lot of explaining to do...'

Lance snapped Keith out of his daze.

Lance: Keith? Are you okay?

Keith: Yeah I'm fine, just a little nervous on how painful this is going to be. 'Oh shoot I forgot about the pain!'

Hunk: What happened? Did I pass out?

Pidge: Yeah, when Allura told us we were having twins.

Hunk stared at Pidge before fainting again, which only irritated Pidge.

Pidge: Hunk are you kidding me...?

Hunk: N-.......no..... *blacks out*

Pidge: *groans*

Shiro: Let's just bet that Hunk will most likely do that again when you go into labor...

Pidge: Oh of course I'll need that when I'm writhing in pain...💢
Le Time Skip Because I'm an ARSS
Keith was walking around alone with his hand on his stomach looking concerned.

Keith: How is Lance going I feel when he finds out we're Galra? Will he stop loving me and stop caring about you...? *sigh* Soren, if you're listening, if something goes wrong and the team finds out, and they react badly, we'll leave, my cousin Wiress lives in the Blades of Marmora we can stay there if we need to, okay?


Keith: *sigh* Well, let's just hope something doesn't happen... A-AHH!

Keith hunched over and churches his stomach feeling his water break.

Keith: Nonononono...! Not now- Agh!

Keith quickly gripped the wall and hastily climbed up to the secret room getting ready to give birth to Soren.

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