3. Month One

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Eighteen Years Ago
Announcer: Alright, next assignment, patrol across Galra fleet ship Alpha One, Krolia Zaronson, Cato Marble, Nebula Glim and Thace Akira.

The four Galra walked onto the ship as the doors closed behind them, two Galra let the others go ahead. One of the two then pinned the other to the wall holding a blade to his neck with a smirk on her face.

Krolia: I'm not an idiot Thace, I know your game.

Thace: *smirks* I know you do.

Krolia pulled the knife away from his neck and gave him a half asked glare followed by a eye to eye gesture.

Krolia: I'm watching you Akira.

Thace: Noted.

Krolia walked up to the group leaving Thace in a blushing mess.

Thace: Wow...

Thace walked back up to the group and continued on with the mission.
Keith was wandering through the halls of the castle still trying to get used to the small baby living in his stomach.

Keith: *sigh* Stupid heat.

Keith thought for a bit, 'Would a baby really be a bad thing...?' He could have been able to make a proper decision if he'd actually known a thing or two about parenting. Keith sighed, deciding a baby would add a good touch to his current life, though he'd have to spend every tick trying to protect them. It was worth it though, with every second Keith could only realize how much he wanted a child.

Keith: I wouldn't trade you for anything baby... not even for knowing my parents.

Yeah, as it turns out, the father Keith lived with in the shack? Not even related to him, what the hell?! All he had about his parents was his blade. That's all. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a tapping on his shoulder and a loud...

Lance: Hey Keith!

Keith: *sigh*, hey Lance...

Lance: How ya doin'? You've been pretty distant for the past few days.

Keith: I don't want to talk right now Lance...

Lance: Why not? Is it because of that prank yesterday?

Keith: UGH!!!

Keith stormed off leaving Lance confused. He ran to Pidge's lab where Sure enough, Pidge was building a pod to monitor the baby.

Keith: Hey Pidge, how's it going?

Pidge: Good, how's your cub?

Keith: Where'd you get that term?

Pidge: Looked it up, apparently you Galra refer to each other as cats?

Keith: Guess so.

Suddenly Lance entered the room.

Lance: Hey Keith. You alright?

Keith: I said, I. Don't. Want. To. Talk. Right. Now. Lance.

Lance hesitantly left as Pidge walked over and locked the doors shut. 'Why does he suddenly care? It's not like we're rivals or anything! Damn why is he so hot?!' Keith thought.

Pidge: How long do you think it'll take before you start showing enough that you can't hide it?

Keith: I dunno, I'm Galra so pregnancy most likely works on a different time scale compared to Earth's, I'm thinking five human months at least? Or at least that's when humans start showing I think... but, for Galra...? We should look up how long a Galra's pregnancy lasts that'll be useful in the long run as well as knowing the symptoms-.

Pidge: On it!

Pidge logged onto her laptop and then closed it.

Pidge: Oh right I can't use Earth google.

Pidge went onto Coran's computer system and started looking up the information.

Pidge: Okay so, a regular Galra pregnancy lasts around twelve months, that's a whole Earth year Keith you sure you're up for it?

Keith: Yep, just need to find good ways to pass the time...

Pidge: Okay then... it also says that Galra usually show during their sixth? Month? Alright, so we should check every month leading up to six cause I can't really read those numbers yet. I'm pretty sure it's six though, I really need to catch up on my Altean language studies...

Keith: Okay, good to know. Does it say any of the common symptoms?

Pidge: Well it says common symptoms include, nausea for three months straight.

Keith: Oh great that's going to be hard to cover up...

Pidge: Then, fainting, ringing in ears, if the pregnant Galra is put through enough stress during the first seven months of pregnancy they will receive powerful hallucinations for the next hour and pass out if they are strong enough. There's another symptom about getting massive headaches if you don't drink enough water or eat enough food so we'll have to keep an eye on that for sure, and then cravings, mood swings, and sudden sexual instincts watch out for that.

Keith: What does it say about the instincts?

Pidge: It says that the pregnant Galra staying from month four will feel a sexual connection with the baby's father. So maybe avoid Lance after month four but not in a suspicious way.

Keith: Alright, damn it and I thought the heat was bad...

Pidge: Yeah, uh...

Keith: What?

Pidge: I just... how do you know if Lance even remembers what happened between you two? You'd think that saying you were pregnant would at least cause his expression to change.

Keith thought for a moment, Lance did enjoy sharing drinks with Coran and Coran has mistaken the water for strong space vodka many times...

Keith: I... I don't know...

Pidge looked up to him and gave small nod.

Pidge: Then go ask.

Keith: But-

Pidge: I'm not going anywhere.

Keith walked out of the room and found Lance in the hall.

Keith: Hey Lance.

Lance: Oh hey Keith. What's up?

Keith: Actually I was just wanting to ask you about... how exactly did you feel when we.. you know...?

Lance: When we what?

Keith: A few nights ago?

Lance: What are you talking about?

Keith felt small fires light up in his veins, that jerk gets him pregnant and then doesn't remember he fucked Keith.

Keith: We had sex how could you not remember?!

Lance gave a questioning look.

Lance: I think I'd know if we had sex Keith.

Keith just growled to himself and stormed off leaving Lance confused again.

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